Monday, February 27, 2012

JBI, Inc. Announces Completion of Its Second Plastic2Oil Processor

Today : Monday 27 February 2012

JBI, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCQB:JBII) is pleased to announce that in Q1 the Company has been successful in bringing its second Plastic2Oil® ("P2O") processor (the "Processor No. 2") online at the Niagara Falls, NY facility. The design of Processor No. 2 is based on data retrieved while working with the original P2O processor (the "Processor No.1"), which since June 2011 has undergone a number of substantial upgrades. The enhancements include a replicable and deployable modular design that leverages economies of scale with our manufacturers, the ability to cater to specific fuel needs of customers and a reduction of stack emissions.
Processor Nos. 1 & 2 are permitted to operate at 4,000 lbs. per hour, however they are currently operating at 2,000 lbs. per hour. The Company expects to operate both processors at 4,000 lbs. per hour, as per the upgraded Air Permit issued by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation ("NYSDEC"), once the Company receives approval on its amended Solid Waste Permit from the NYSDEC.
The Company expects that this amendment will effectively double the plastic feedstock throughput, from 2,000 lbs/hour per processor to 4,000 lbs/hour, which should double the amount of fuel output each P2O processor can produce.

Edit: 4000lbs/hr will generate approx 283 Barrels of fuel/day.

"Bringing Processor No. 2 online represents a significant achievement as well as a milestone for our Company. We believe this sets us apart from other plastic into fuel conversion technologies," states John Bordynuik, CEO and President. "JBI, Inc. is the first company to successfully move from a pilot plant to a multiple processor, full production plant within the industry."
Towers and reactors have been fabricated for the third P2O processor (the "Processor No. 3") and the Company looks forward to bringing No.3 online in the near future.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CEO John Bordynuik to Speak at 15th Annual AWMA/NYWEA Joint Seminar

JBI, Inc. President & CEO John Bordynuik will be speaking at the 15th Annual AWMA/NYWEA Joint Seminar in Rochester, New York on February 15, 2012.

The event is sponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association, Genesee Valley Lakes Chapter (AWMA) and the New York Water Environment Association, Genesee Valley Chapter (NYWEA). This year’s theme is “Clean & Green in a Lean Environment” and includes speakers from state and municipal levels as well as corporate industry.

For program highlights, please click here.

Admission is only open to waste management and recycling corporations, state and local officials, schools and institutions, and individual AWMA or NYWEA members.

A post-event summary and photos will follow.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Investor Conference Call on Feb 27

THOROLD, Ontario, February 13, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – JBI, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCQB:JBII) will host a conference call for shareholders on Monday, February 27, 2012. Chief Executive Officer John Bordynuik will lead the call and provide investors with a business update.

Details are as follows:

Date: Monday, February 27, 2012
Time: 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 1 hour
Pre-Registration: Pre-registration for the event is required. All shareholders must register through the Company’s website:
Conference Access: Access information (for telephone and web access) for both US/Canada and international will be emailed to approved registrants on Thursday, February 23, 2012.

Disclaimer: There is a 500 caller maximum on a first-come, first-serve basis. In order for the registration to be considered, registrants must provide the Company with a full first & last name, a valid email address and a valid telephone number. Registration approval is subject to the discretion of JBI, Inc.

For those shareholders who are unable to participate, a replay will be posted on the Company’s website.

Cisco Webex, the leading provider for web and teleconferencing, will enable shareholders to participate by telephone or online. The online experience will combine desktop sharing through a web browser with phone conferencing and will feature a multimedia presentation. Standard teleconference dial-ins will not be able to access the multimedia presentation. To learn about the Cisco Webex online system requirements, please visit the Investor Update Call page on the Plastic2Oil website at

If you have questions about this event, please contact JBI, Inc. Investor Relations:

John P. Zervas
US & Canada: 1.877.307.7067
International: (001) 561.922.6750


NY DEC Approves 100% Production Increase

NYSDEC Approves Increased Rate

On February 9, 2012, JBI, Inc. received approval from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for an amendment to its Air Permit that allows the Company to operate Plastic2Oil® (P2O) processors at our Niagara Falls, NY facility at an increased rate of 4,000 lbs per hour.

This rate is two times the rate at which the Company was previously authorized to supply feedstock to the P2O processor.

The approval of the increased rate of operation now permits the Company to amend its Part 360 Waste Permit to reflect the storage of similar plastic volumes, and is a key component to our plans for long term growth.


This translates into a JBII Production Capacity of 281 Barrels/Day/Processor

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

JBI Terms SEC Charges In Civil Suit Erroneous

JBI Terms SEC Charges In Civil Suit Erroneous - Quick Facts

( - Green oil and gas company JBI Inc. (JBII.PK) said Wednesday it is upset with the erroneous fraud charges leveled against it in a civil suit by the Securities Exchange Commission.

JBI said it regrets its attempts to resolve the dispute failed, and said it will vigorously defend itself in court against the civil suit filed by the SEC earlier today.

According to the company, the allegations in the complaint concern legacy accounting issues that have since been corrected. Since restating its financial statements, the company said it has hired a new CFO and pulled in additional skilled accountants as also an independent audit firm.

The company said it believes its officers acted in good faith in valuing the media credits discussed in the complaint. It also maintains that after learning of potential problems relating to these credits, it took corrective measures.

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