Thursday, December 31, 2009

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Watch the YouTube video on the Great American Garbage Patch and then notice John's comment on the Patch. Can you imagine the positive global press and recognition JBI will receive if and when our brilliant CEO authorizes a P2O ship (or ships) to help clean up that environmental disaster?

John Bordynuik speaks:

The bench top model was filmed months ago beginning in April. Since then we have tested in large batches and now a continuous processor. The process scales nicely.

Our "cost" per barrel was achieved by metering feedstock with output and then loaded up the business model with every possible cost including excessive costs like royalties, excessive staff, etc... We then cut the production in half while maintaining the same overhead (for a conservative approach). No 3rd party chemical firm is going to release a report and allow it to be published (they specifically state so). It comes down to their risk management. We do however provide reports for JV partners for their due diligence.

I suggest anyone who is unhappy with the information I have disclosed not to invest. I suggest investing then when you are comfortable: ie) after coming to the AGM to view a large continuous processor running, when 5 JV's are running, 10, or the P2O ship, or when we send one to the Pacific Garbage patch, whatever. Then pay the difference from what the share price is today.

I have built this business on open communications with shareholders, moreso than 99% of public companies. I won't burn 3rd party labs by releasing their reports in the public domain nor will I disclose trade secrets to the detriment of our existing shareholders. I get $1/year and have not sold a share. I get paid when the company is large and making a lot of money. My management team are only compensated by the highest form of value-based management. Our BOD will only have common shareholders who purchased on the open market for transparency, clarity, and open communications with shareholders . We aren't doing business like other public companies - we are doing business the way they should. We got this way because I did not let in JV or Funds into the company early to mess around with the Board and do the usual P&D.

I have executed 12 out of 12 times, in record time, while maintaining integrity within the company. P2O is a done deal from my standpoint, we are 100% all in. Decide when you are comfortable with it.


John Bordynuik

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