I am understanding.
"As you become more experienced in investing, you will start to understand that if there are excuses for all the information you don't have and you can't close any DD because there are dead ends on every road, it's better to wait until the company stops giving excuses."
If you think that is the case here at JBII then I suggest that you follow your own advice and wait. I have no problem with that.
"If Mr. Bordynuik had any reason to believe anybody would buy his pyrolysis oil as crude oil, he should be sharing that reasoning."
I have already made it plain that I have little concern about the company being able to sell its product. You are concerned about that, OK with me. We each have our own evaluations of the situation.
The difference between us has to do with how we each interpret the lack of information. You seems to interpret the absence of information in the worst possible light you can think of. As an experienced Pinks investor I can understand that point of view.
In this case I don't choose to interpret that information lack the same way at this point in time.
You have no idea why the re-filings aren't done.
All we know is the areas that are being redone. We know that because the 8K told us that information.
Exactly what caused the company to state the need for refiling has not been made public.
We will know the answer to that when the re-filing is done. Until then make up any reason you like, it's all a guess.
Quote: "Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something."
Given the present circumstances I understand and expected the information blackout. If it continues after the re-filing and a clarification of the NAZ application status I will be moving much closer to your point of view.
Let me be clear. I would like to have a more information than we do. I expect that we will have more in the near future. I have been able to find out additional information through my own investigations. Information that I don't make public here. Some of it is very positive, some is not positive. All of it can be developed by anyone that is good at digging and networking.
Probably the same things that you do in your investing, correct?
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