Monday, September 13, 2010

tykundegex debates naysayers who insist CEO should provide proof of concept

I believe Mr. Bordynuik has already publicly stated that JBI can get waste plastic for free. You choose not to believe him, and that's your right. But submitting proof to appease those who don't believe him is perhaps not his priority.

I seriously doubt that there are many people sitting on the sidelines w/r to such claims and who choose not to invest for lack of proof of actual plastic supply contracts. You either believe him or you do not, and if you do not.. then there are likely many other things that prevent you from investing in his company.

Soon thereafter you will be demanding proof of the catalyst, proof that patents have been filed, proof that the fuel blending site is operational, proof that IsleChem is not biased, proof that the processors really cost only $200k to build, proof that it really only takes 2 hours to process 20 tons.

You see.. this proof you claim to be so important will get JBI nowhere, and will only stir the message board debate. I'm quite certain JBI simply wants to produce oil and generate revenue. After that they won't have to answer to anyone.


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