Firing up the lawnmower with JBII gasoline!
My unrehearsed video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1XdgRJ1CSg
First of all, JBII will not initially be selling to a refinery. The diesel and gasoline do not need "refinement." They are refined coming directly from the P2O processor. They are more pure than what comes from crude. Less sulphur.
They would need some "blending" to be sold at a pump.
Initially JBII diesel and gasoline will be sold back to the companies that are supplying the plastic for use in their industrial processes.
What's impressive about JBII P2O:
- The purity of the diesel/gasoline that is impressive.
- The clean process to produce the diesel/gasoline that is impressive.
- The process cost to produce the diesel/gasoline that is impressive (processor, energy, catalyst).
What's not known:
- The overhead costs to produce the diesel/gasoline (transportation of plastic, transportation of finished fuel, etc.).
- The amount of plastic that can be easily sourced with a joint agreement to sell back the generated fuel at a discount (a discount to market prices which are high, not given away).
- The ease with which plastic can be sourced for a facility to allow the processors to run 24/7.
- The number of P2O facilities that can be supported in various locations in North America and beyond.
- The most economical distribution of P2O facilities.
- How quickly JBII will be able to expand once the first full production model (sourced plastic to fuel to customer) is in place.
- The amount of time it take to establish that first production model.
- The ability of John Bordynuik to manage the growth of the business.
Not a complete list, but those are the bullets that stand out in my mind.
P2O is great, but it is not without risks.
Will P2O process carpets,tires,flipflips and other post-consumer hard cases? Along with industrial collections what about post-consumer drop offs until MFR agreements are reached? Who knows/who will discusssuch with non-investing but very interested enviromentalist?