Sunday, August 14, 2011

JBII to Mine Plastic for RockTenn

JBI will "mine plastic" from RockTenn landfills to convert to oil

by Eric Loveday (RSS feed) on Aug 14th 2011 at 8:55AM
Plastic 2 Oil logoJBI has entered an exclusive deal with RockTenn Company to convert mill by-products into fuel using JBI's patented Plastic2Oil technology.

Under terms of the agreement, JBI has a ten-year license with a renewal option to construct and operate Plastic2Oil processing stations at RockTenn's facilities. JBI will take RockTenn's waste plastic and covert it to useable fuels, including naphtha, fuel oil and something similar to natural gas.

RockTenn's paper mills generate thousands of tons of waste plastic per day and to handle that stream of waste, RockTenn had been storing the by-product in company-owned, plastic-only landfill sites for years. This agreement gives JBI exclusive rights to mine plastic from these sites (how strange does that sound?). According to JBI, RockTenn has the feedstock to support hundreds of Plastic2Oil processors and, as such, JBI designed its conversion systems to be modular, allowing for rapid deployment across RockTenn's locations.

1 comment:

  1. While inside the reactor, the plastic hydrocarbon chains are “cracked” into shorter chains, which exit the processor as a gas.

    Continuous Plastics Pyrolysis Plant


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