Tuesday, October 18, 2011

neptune69 discusses JBI vs Agilyx "competition" topic


In consideration of the vast worldwide supply of plastic feedstock available to process into fuel, the JBI vs. Agilyx discourse is irrelevant.

In excess of 100 million tons of new plastic feedstock is generated annually on a worldwide basis. The US, by itself, generates in excess of 35 million tons of new plastic feedstock per year. Significantly, and in addition to the aforementioned new feedstock, are the vast quantities of plastic feedstock resident in landfills throughout the world. Given that tens of millions of tons of plastic have been dumped into such landfills for a multitude of years, it is reasonable to extrapolate that there is in excess of one billion tons of plastic residing in landfills, of which a significant percentage may be processed into fuel.

Let's do some simple math...a 20 ton per day JBI processor converts approximately 20 tons of plastic into 109 barrels of fuel. Lets round down to 5 barrels per ton per day. 100 million tons of annually generated plastic equates to approximately $50 billion of fuel sales at $100 per barrel. Furthermore, the landfills composition of in excess of one billion tons of plastic, equates to in excess of $500 billion of fuel revenue.

The JBI vs Agilyx discussion is rendered moot resultant from the vastness of the prospective market. There is ample room for a multitude of competitors to generate extraordinary businesses and market capitalizations as one could reasonably infer from the aforementioned facts and associated analysis.

Even if JBI's technology is currently the most effective, there will be additional competitors in future time periods, but despite such new entrants, JBI will still be more than amply equipped to build a company with significant market capitalization given the huge size of the prospective market, JBI's early entre' into such market, the noteworthy exclusive access to RKT massive plastic feedstock, and future contracts likely to incorporate such exclusivity

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