Wednesday, October 3, 2012

JBII Wins Defamation Lawsuit!!

JBII Wins Defamation Lawsuit!!

Link to Original Order: Official Court ORDER

In a stunning victoiry over message board members of shorting and bear raiding crews, JBII got an ORDER for these liars and libelers to Cease and Desist from attacking the company.

The main leader of this crew, one Gerard Mooney, was banned from spreading his libelous comments on any venue.

This serves as a warning to all lying and defaming members of these 'crews' and strikes a blow for all good companies that fall victim to these practices.



  1. If anybody sees any of them posting their them and they'll go to jail for Contempt of Court....z

  2. anyone know what their "handles" are on the various message board? Thanks.

  3. gerard mooney is scone (scion), Elsely is hippychick, JB's nutso XGF. johnstone is nanopatent on Yahoo I think......z

  4. Gerard Mooney = scion on IHUB and silicon and xrayviscion on ragingbull

    Elsely = hippychick on IHUB. Her adult daughter = imaba on IHUB, shrinksdaughter on yahoo, and memg on siliconinvestor

    Johnstone = nanopatent on IHUB, donpatent on silicon, donpat on ragingbull, and a huge host of names on yahoo

    John Doe = stay tuned

  5. I really hope the following "crews" are next:
    Arvitar / MorningLightMountain / loanranger / pseeker / Scandle34 / wEaReLeGiOn


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