Thanks to Stu Miller for this summary:
Here is my take on the salient points from the conf call -- in the absence of any slides I took it upon myself to summarize what was said. Sorry for the typo's and name misspellings, if any:
You can listen to the entire Conference Call here:
JBII Conference Call
INTRO AND PROGRESS TO DATE (speaker: John Bordynuik). in 2009 acquired an public shell company with no operating business
. had 63m issued & outstanding shares
. converted to an operating company with 46m issued & outstanding shares
. > $3m cash
. several operating entities
. significant revenues
. operating entities:
. tape & data migration
. Pak-It
. Javaco
. P2O
. factories in NY and PA
. large blending facility
. warehouse in OH
. offices in Mexico, Clearwater FL, Cambridge MA
. executed agreements with Rick Heddle & Al Sousa for ship & land-based P2O activities, including P2O licencing
. IsleChem (state-certified lab) is working with JBI on P2O validation and fine-tuning
. executed LOI for air handling company to assist with Pak-It and medical waste
. paid off ~$7m in debt (are now debt-free)
. completed successful PIPE
. created a value-based mgmt team
. established an independant board of directors comprised of shareholders
. built an excellent innovating engineering team, including chemsists for P2O & Pak-It
. expanded Pak-It's orig. bus plan
. massive direct-to-retail campaign
. automating Pak-It operations (10x production increase)
. all this, in only 9 months!
VISION:. (from website) ground-breaking technology company founded on the principles of integrity, transparency and responsibility, benefiting mankind and future generations,
. P2O objective: convert 10% of all waste plastic into useable energy --> "recycling 2.0"
. getting overwhelming assistance by regular people and shareholders
KEYS TO SUCCESS:. open communication & transparent with shareholders
. crowd-sourcing: harness power of collective intelligence of JBI shareholders
. provides access to valuable experience
. access to resources otherwise prohibitively expensive (e.g. fuel-blending site?)
. many investors help with their spare time: increase investment value & help environment
. retired investors working on: machining, welding, electrical, building, etc
. highly experienced & value-based management team: no pay without success
Information is released as quickly as legally possibly, JB will push for less expensive methods of dissemniation information.
KEY DIFFERENTIATORS:. IPO was not exit strategy
. funds don't control the board
. focus on long-term profitibility, not short-term earnings
. building a "value-based company"
RECENT MATERIAL EVENTS. all of yesterday PRs were executed in the 2 days leading up to this conf call
. result of collaboration of 30+ people and several law firms and self-imposed deadlines
. all underwent appropriate due-dilligence before publication
. more "waves" like this weekend to come in the future
. this wave is proof we have the right team and right shareholders to take JBI to the next level
P2O GROWTH TEAM. Geoff Webber, Robert Shoemaker, Al Sousa, Mike Kaplanis, Dick H., Linda Burr
. all are assisting with licence agreements, ADA agreements, processing applications
PAK-IT CANADA. new sales team led by Bob M.
. operations managed by Katie
Quote:"Bold moves get noticed. They make history, the motivate staff, create momentum, stir-up a storm, bring everything to a critical mass that converts a huge challenging problem into a big success.
It also gets eyes on our products and gets eyes on our stock without using paid stock promoters. And it removes barriers in our business plan."
(John Bordynuik) Quote:"It's my obligation to back-up anything this company says in a PR. If I can't, then the regulatory agencies would have a field day with me. When we say somethign in a PR, it's real -- there's no fluff and no nonsense. It also goes through our securities lawyers for vetting."
(John Bordynuik)Uplisting: applications submitted and fees paid. Uplisting is not delayed, simply occuring in normal course of business.
Quote:"You'll know as soon as I do -- this is important to all of us."
(John Bordynuik)
PAK-IT. expansion into 2nd US factory for massive retail launch
. Jacob Smith (COO) is tasked full-time with this, in Philidelphia
. new automated machines delivered, installation underway, also in Canada
. imminent launch of direct-to-retail informercial campain (Western Creative)
FUEL BLENDING SITE & P2O PROGRESS:. Fuel-blending site key to establish path for direct distribution in retail
. ability to process own specialy fuels (from P2O processors direct to customer)
. allows JBI to displace high-cost of raw fuels and substitue with P2O output for greatly increase margins
. executed purchase agreement for NY factory (p2o site) with river-water permit (cooling)
. other unique features that compliment "ideal operating facility"
. see for yourself at AGM in April wink
. "very happy with processor progress" (John Bordynuik)
. working on land, marine, and mobile processors
. also secondary processors for specialized niche markets like medical waste
. IsleChem working on all aspects: analytical data, safety, controls to ensure processor is green and efficient
. on-going discussions with a local manfacturer for USA-built processors
. P2O Marine info
. Rick Heddle: never touches a project unless he's sure it will be a success
. is a large personal shareholder of JBI
. Heddle experience covers marine law, ship building, owns & operates ships, retro-fitting
. Captain Moneyhan: 100's of 1000's of miles under his belt
P2O OVERVIEW (speaking: Geoff Weber). first P2O site in FL t.b.d: depends on feedstock & tax credits
. similar process across the country
. worked with Sousa for several months
. Sousa assisting with process:
. screening P2O applications (received over 30 so far)
. finding plastic sources and fuel buyers
. moving quickly into other US states
. applications: 4 in Europe, CA, CO, WI, GA, and more...
. received several reservation agreements ($100k deposit) in Tampa FL, Cleveland OH
. very encouraged by response given complete lack of marketing of P2O liencing program
. confident about "land rush"
PAK-IT ROLLOUT (speaking: Katie Matkowski). overseeing rollout of Pak-It in Canada
. retail compaign: Western Creative & infomercials
. new sales team and retail channels
. creating marketing material
. increased production capabilities (automation)
. coordination between US & Canada
TAPE/DATA RECOVERY:. targeting Oil & Gas industry
. JB speaking African Petroleum Conference
. huge opp. to promote technology
PAK-IT STRATEGY: (speaking: Bob M.). large accounts: often contracts locked-up, but many are trying products and some orders already
. small/mid-size accounts: sales team on-the-ground in Canada
. target commercial and BSCs
. marketing to households, hospitality industry, food & beverage industry,
. household strategy:
. have developed custom household cleaning kit
. partnership with large charity "Heart Niaraga"
. first pass covered > 500k households in Niagara region including 300 schools, local sports organizations
. excellent "pilot", plan to fine-tune & repeat across the country and abroad
. hospilality / food & beveage:
. great feedback so far
. received testimonials from head-purchasing managers re: 30% cost reduction and ease-of-use
. receiving POs from Best Western, Howard Johnson, Marriot, Americana Hotels, sheraton crown Plaza (many of whom are still under contract with another provider)
. retail:
. after couple of weeks: already secured first 2 major POs: 150 stores in Niagara region!