This site is not endorsed nor operated by JBI, Inc. The information provided herein is based on opinions, conjecture, and speculation, and is not intended to induce buy or sell decisions. Investment decisions should only be made after consultation with your attorney, CPA, or registered investment advisor and then only after careful due diligence investigation and reading all government filings at
Sunday, February 28, 2010
CEO responds to skeptic's "concerns"
I do not know why does not show all our NASA work. It appears they only show the one PO they went to procurement with every year (sole-source procurement) – not all the orders from various NASA departments. I can tell you I received a PO immediately following the procurement in July 2009 and then received subsequent PO ’s and tape data migration orders from other NASA departments and they did not show up on
As I have stated before, the bashers/shorts/hedgefunds go to considerable lengths to try and damage our relationship with our clients. In other words, it appears if a public company is producing income to justify its statements (regulators cease trade if statements can’t be backed up) then they attempt to “make the company a scam” by contacting their clients or institutions with false claims to destroy its revenue stream. An example of this in our company was the lengths the bashers went to on our company last October. I claimed we read MIT’s tapes and there was a page on MIT’s website about my work. It was not a promotional page nor did it mention the company. After the bashers finally realized it was true and I did do work for CSAIL they then contacted the institutions’ board to the point that that CSAIL was pressured to remove the web page. You can actually watch their action on atomicbobs (nearly in real time) when they managed to complain so much the page was removed and bragged about its removal. Immediately thereafter the same bashers claimed I had no prior history doing tapes for MIT and pointed to a dead link for “proof”. This is a very organized effort of IMO, people who do not think right. In any event, we can back up our claims so they are not going to be successful with the regulators as they have been in the past (we CAN back up our claims because we are not a scam like most OTC companies). I appreciate our investors support and we are focused on executing our business plan. It’s unfortunate we are not able to disclose as much as we have in the past but it appears the only people to be using that information are the bashers and those who wish to scare people away to buy shares cheaper.
One last thing about the catalyst. We were advised by our IP lawyers not to patent the catalyst. I’ve had many conference calls about it. This is not to say there may not be a creative way in the future to protect it through a vague patent but unlikely… (this is a quote from them some time ago - a very large firm in Toronto ):
“ regarding the catalyst. Looks to me like something that you would want to keep as a trade secret if that is possible. Reason being that if you patent it you will have to disclose it to the world, you will gain control over it but since you cannot tell if anyone else is using it what good would that control be? You just need to investigate whether or not keeping it as a trade secret is commercially and contractually feasible given that you want to allow others to use the catalyst.”
We are having the catalyst made the same Pepsi and Coke make their formulas:
There are many web sites describing how Pepsi protects their formula including separate area, only two people know it and make it, etc…
BTW, I have never paid myself 800,000 or anything like that for the ovens or hardware. I did spend a lot of my own money to develop the technology and it was all sold to JBII “at cost” (no labor) and that was audited.
One last thing…
Oil and Gas is a big customer and we read tapes for many Universities which is also tape income.
John Bordynuik, CEO
Friday, February 26, 2010
"techisbest" interviews CEO John Bordynuik
Many skeptics and doubters continually question the economic viability of P2O, CEO John Bordynuik's ability to "execute" and the "reality" of JBII to successfully launch its business model. iHub member "techisbest" shares the following email answers from the CEO in response to typical questions repeatedly asked by JBII naysayers.
"techisbest" states
The skeptic was not me, but represents who I would consider the typical person seeing JBII at this stage and no experience with John Bordynuik.
Q: Regarding JBII, first and foremost, look into the existing companies technologies....and Google "catalytic pyrolysys" and "patents"....there's a lot of patents issued and pending in this process....many academics, industries, and universities working in this area for decades.....and there's no way to even begin to research if JBII's "seceret" catatalyst infringes on the current base of claimed IP. How does one even begin to research intellectual property rights with the minimal information JBII has made available?
JB: We are not going to release the composition of the catalyst, the same as Pepsi is not going to release information about their secret formula to appease investors.
As for Universities working on this.... I've had assistance from institutions with respect to this. I've talked to one prof at length who was involved in catalyst development for the Oil and Gas industry. He has advised they have done away with a lot of R&D in the catalyst field because the refineries are quite efficient now. They keep R&D costs down for a good bottom line.
I work with a large Oil and Gas company now (8+ billion) and I know their R&D cycles and it usually pertains to new exploration and only when crude prices are high. As I communicate well with scientists, I have had many discussions with their geophysicists and scientists about how they work. It helps us process and migrate their data.
Look at Firefly Battery. The physicist who developed their hybrid battery had never worked in battery research before. He was not bound by assumptions of scientists immersed in that field.
Q: That's not to mention that Bordynuik has no experieince in the petrochemical industry that I know of.
JB: I don't need to be. That why I have two chemists Alan Barnett, Ron Kurp, and islechem. We have 5 total and they do know what they are talking abut. I can however take information in unrelated fields and apply it. I purchased the blest unit, modified it and tried a catalyst composition. Alan then purchased a GC, then Intertek tested the fuel and then we purchased a large processor, tested the process at 300kg, then islechem. It works scaled. If you are sceptical then don't invest until we see financial data.
Q: Regardless of any one's IQ, if you don't have experience working in a regulated industry, you'll tend to overlook and oversimplify the regulatory requirements and the direct and indirect costs of compliance with those industries regulations.
JB: You don't need a high IQ to hire process engineers and technicians to solve those problems. Our key person has already designed and built a fully operational permitted magnesium recycling plant. He is not a chemist but knows permits and processes -- and understands volatiles.
Q: For instance, there's boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) regulations that are coming into effect later this year.....those will likely affect the gas burning "heater" unit for JBII's >>process....and I imagine they will require some emissions controls.....that I'm most certain that JB didn't account for when he threw out that $10/barrell number out there.
JB: Yes we did. In fact $10/barrel was a very conservative amount. It is much less.
IQ has nothing to do with it. Bringing in the right people to test, refine, and build a successful process is what is key. I have a gift to apply knowledge and solutions in one area to a completely different field. It paid off again with P2O.
Q: Honestly, I'm intellectually offended with the way he throws that number around with no good explanation of the factors involved....does it include employee retention costs, maintenance, property, feedstock handling equipment, etc., etc.? Frankly, I don't think he can honestly claim to have a clue of the production costs without any operations history to refer to....that number is completely based on assumptions....and I've never even seen a basic explanation of what those are.
JB: It clear this individual has done no DD on our management team. I don't throw numbers out lightly. Our management team has completed many $100M+ private deals that do involve complex costs and they make them profitable. Geoff Weber loaded up the JV business model with every cost imaginable including: royalties, maintenance, labour, permitting (URS), operator, spares, and then after determining those costs (really loaded up), he cut production in half.
I'm surprised this individual hasn't done 10 minutes of DD. Start with islechem and work back if needed.
I would suggest this individual not invest until he is comfortable. To me, it really doesn't matter. I haven't sold a share and our management team is not on payroll. We get paid when the process is highly successful. We get nothing otherwise.
P.S. islechem engineers formed islechem by privatizing Occidental Chemical's R&D lab. Their passion is unique: They are concerned that their own kids can't get jobs on Grand Island (or in Niagara for that matter). They've run their tests and allowed us to put their name in a PR as they are happy with the results so far. and don't think for one moment they didn't weren't sceptical at first.
Now we know how IsleChem has been involved. Removal of hydrogen and other "uglies."
Q: John, regarding the work being done in universities in this field, this article was pointed out:
The question is how can the catalyst you found from so long ago be so much better than catalysts being researched currently?
Perhaps it is simply a matter of being first to market and quickly grabbing market share?
JB: Good questions.
"The question is how can the catalyst you found from so long ago be so much better than catalysts being researched currently?"
Because they are going down the wrong road and generally look to value add where progress has been made. Islechem did extensive searches for catalysts and patents (and so did I) to see what had been done to date. They are quite thorough. After much research they advised me that that our catalyst was quite novel. It did have problems though -- a couple of the chemicals in it were acceptable in the 70's but should not be used today. They "modernized" it and took out what I call the "uglies". I am not going to use the proper terminology as I do not want to even give reference to the groups the exist in - it's of no benefit to our shareholders educate anyone in the field.
"Perhaps it is simply a matter of being first to market and quickly grabbing market share?"
No, an efficient catalyst is required for this specific task. Then, it's capture market share quickly.
In my experience (as with the drives I developed, patent, etc...) the best inventions and "game changers" are those found in an area others aren't looking. If it was then they probably would have found it and exploited the technology.
I'll comment more on this later.
John Bordynuik
Thursday, February 25, 2010
JBI skeptics - Listen to "rpg101"
Why all of this talk about NASA with no knowledge of what actually happened? NASA wanted to recover data from the older programs, I believe was Gemini. They used a few providers with no acceptable success, meaning they may have paid for the work but were not happy with the outcome. John was called in later as a last resort, as I'm sure others were also called in since the normal providers were not capable of delivering. John had developed the technology and proved to them he was the only one capable of doing it. In the spring/summer of 2009 a RFP was open where it was specified NASA was leaning towards awarding JBI a sole sourced contract. Some of the big providers called John to purchase or license his technology. Another company from Atlanta if I'm not mistaken was the only other that also replied to the RFP. Eventually the RFP, with no end date and no specific dollar amount, was awarded to JBI in August of 2009. Many thousands of NASA tapes and other media have since been processed by JBI under that sole sourced RFP. Oil companies have also came on board since.
But JBI is about P2O. That was the reason John went public. The tape business was only the vehicle to finance the initial P2O stages that have since been completed. JBI is now gearing up to the big P2O and Pakit expansion, the land rush like John calls it. John executed the late 2009 PIPE with that in mind, to have the working capital JBI needed to expand. The next few weeks will show everyone that John doesn't play games, he executes. It really doesn't matter what anyone here thinks about JBI or John himself. Only execution matters.
Revenues and profits drive markets, not ihub posters that voice their opinions from their all powerful laptops.
Disclosure: I'm a shareholder since day 1 and currently a Senior Software Engineer for JBI
But JBI is about P2O. That was the reason John went public. The tape business was only the vehicle to finance the initial P2O stages that have since been completed. JBI is now gearing up to the big P2O and Pakit expansion, the land rush like John calls it. John executed the late 2009 PIPE with that in mind, to have the working capital JBI needed to expand. The next few weeks will show everyone that John doesn't play games, he executes. It really doesn't matter what anyone here thinks about JBI or John himself. Only execution matters.
Revenues and profits drive markets, not ihub posters that voice their opinions from their all powerful laptops.
Disclosure: I'm a shareholder since day 1 and currently a Senior Software Engineer for JBI
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A More Peaceful Place to Discuss JBII
If you are sick of how I-Hub is being run, I am trying to offer an alternative to discuss JBII in a more peaceful and respectful manner. The policy at I-hub clearly allows for these shenanigans to go on, and many are sick of it. Not sure if it will work, but worth the try.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
To Escape the Fire, go to the Center
So, then, let us keep in mind that we want to examine what is, to observe and be aware of exactly what is the actual, without giving it any slant, without giving it an interpretation. It needs an extraordinarily astute mind, and extraordinarily pliable heart, to be aware of and to follow what is; because what is is constantly moving, constantly undergoing a transformation, and if the mind is tethered to belief, to knowledge, it ceases to pursue, it ceases to follow the swift movement of what is. What is is not static, surely--it is constantly moving, as you will see if you observe it very closely. To follow it, you need a very swift mind and a pliable heart--which are denied when the mind is static, fixed in a belief, in a prejudice, in an identification; and a mind and heart that are dry cannot follow easily, swiftly, that which is
J Krishnamurti "First and Last Freedom"
This is my attempt at describing what is. Knowing full well that may be impossible, but the intent is there.
Not many people know what it is like to watch a future billion dollar company grow from it's very infancy. Most of the time, these entities stay private, only to have their big IPO years into the operation to make the investment bankers rich, and the company to cash in on what they built. Many examples of billion dollar companies today didn't have a following in their infancy. The Internet and message boards are still relatively new. For those that have witnessed one example, like the CEO's of say Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Yahoo, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter, could probably all tell you the stories of how the company almost didn't make it. Examples of stupid mistakes, bad investments, not hiring needed staff, hiring the wrong executives, signing bad deals, running payroll on their credit cards, etc.
JBI will have major growing pains. The CEO, like many of the CEO's of the companies I listed, haven't been groomed to be CEO's. Ramping up production, staff, and executives will be challenging, with errors, lessons, and either redemptions or complete failures made of those errors. There will also be great decisions made. Most big companies/organizations are successful due to two things. Leadership and Talent/Product/Service. It's debatable, but I think it is 80% Talent/Product/Service, and 20% Leadership. Eike Batista(future richest man in world) was asked, what was the biggest reason your first venture succeeded? He replied something like, "The mine I invested in was idiot proof. I made so many mistakes, but an idiot could have made money with it." This was a mine that was up in the mountains, that needed a city built, infrastructure built, water hauled from thousands of miles away, etc.
If P2O does what is claimed, then it is an idiot proof investment. John's ability to run a great organization will only determine if JBI makes the Sweet 16, or the wins the Finals. Getting to the Sweet 16 equates to a $50-$75 stock price. Winning the Finals would be getting to $200+
The important thing is that John and the company learn from their mistakes, as they are definitively going to occur.
The summation of events and thoughts ahead are a culmination of concerns and discussions that I have had with friends. Several of them have a very large stake in JBI, and they have unique business and life experiences. All of the concerns and comments ahead are not all made by me, but I either endorse them, or at least believe they should be viewed out in the open.
This is an emotional stock. Anytime the possibility exist to make thousands of percent in return and do great things, there will be incredible emotion surrounding it. I get very emotional, John gets very emotional, the BOD, the message board, the believers and the skeptics all get emotional at times. We sometimes say ridiculous things that prove to be wrong, and we sometimes try and move on and not admit that. This goes for believer, skeptic, and executives alike. That's what it is like being human. Negative attracts positive, positive attracts negative. We are all connected.
First off I'll admit that I thought, wanted, and hoped to see validation this past weekend. I've been in this stock since late August. I also want to secure the financial future of my family. In essence, I want to be a millionaire, and I want it now. That undoubtedly plays into the situation. I just wanted to put that disclosure out there for what I'm about to say, and realize it may be influencing any post I ever make.
I deeply wanted to validate the P2O process, and start converting the skeptics to believe that P2O is a green process, and highly profitable. I'm looking for one of three things:
1)Lab results and/or a lab official commenting positively on the process.
2)Visually see raw, unwashed plastics in our machine, and diesel spraying out.
3)P2O division revenue and earnings on the balance sheet.
This is my attempt at describing what is. Knowing full well that may be impossible, but the intent is there.
Not many people know what it is like to watch a future billion dollar company grow from it's very infancy. Most of the time, these entities stay private, only to have their big IPO years into the operation to make the investment bankers rich, and the company to cash in on what they built. Many examples of billion dollar companies today didn't have a following in their infancy. The Internet and message boards are still relatively new. For those that have witnessed one example, like the CEO's of say Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Yahoo, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter, could probably all tell you the stories of how the company almost didn't make it. Examples of stupid mistakes, bad investments, not hiring needed staff, hiring the wrong executives, signing bad deals, running payroll on their credit cards, etc.
JBI will have major growing pains. The CEO, like many of the CEO's of the companies I listed, haven't been groomed to be CEO's. Ramping up production, staff, and executives will be challenging, with errors, lessons, and either redemptions or complete failures made of those errors. There will also be great decisions made. Most big companies/organizations are successful due to two things. Leadership and Talent/Product/Service. It's debatable, but I think it is 80% Talent/Product/Service, and 20% Leadership. Eike Batista(future richest man in world) was asked, what was the biggest reason your first venture succeeded? He replied something like, "The mine I invested in was idiot proof. I made so many mistakes, but an idiot could have made money with it." This was a mine that was up in the mountains, that needed a city built, infrastructure built, water hauled from thousands of miles away, etc.
If P2O does what is claimed, then it is an idiot proof investment. John's ability to run a great organization will only determine if JBI makes the Sweet 16, or the wins the Finals. Getting to the Sweet 16 equates to a $50-$75 stock price. Winning the Finals would be getting to $200+
The important thing is that John and the company learn from their mistakes, as they are definitively going to occur.
The summation of events and thoughts ahead are a culmination of concerns and discussions that I have had with friends. Several of them have a very large stake in JBI, and they have unique business and life experiences. All of the concerns and comments ahead are not all made by me, but I either endorse them, or at least believe they should be viewed out in the open.
This is an emotional stock. Anytime the possibility exist to make thousands of percent in return and do great things, there will be incredible emotion surrounding it. I get very emotional, John gets very emotional, the BOD, the message board, the believers and the skeptics all get emotional at times. We sometimes say ridiculous things that prove to be wrong, and we sometimes try and move on and not admit that. This goes for believer, skeptic, and executives alike. That's what it is like being human. Negative attracts positive, positive attracts negative. We are all connected.
First off I'll admit that I thought, wanted, and hoped to see validation this past weekend. I've been in this stock since late August. I also want to secure the financial future of my family. In essence, I want to be a millionaire, and I want it now. That undoubtedly plays into the situation. I just wanted to put that disclosure out there for what I'm about to say, and realize it may be influencing any post I ever make.
I deeply wanted to validate the P2O process, and start converting the skeptics to believe that P2O is a green process, and highly profitable. I'm looking for one of three things:
1)Lab results and/or a lab official commenting positively on the process.
2)Visually see raw, unwashed plastics in our machine, and diesel spraying out.
3)P2O division revenue and earnings on the balance sheet.
Instead we got "Scamageddon"
This past weekend backfired big time. If you believe any attention is good attention, then it can still have some good impact down the line. I believe John did this out of emotion. It's like when you see two people arguing across the room from you. You don't know who started it, or who is right or wrong, you just know they both look like idiots. While it was a great joy to see that many PR's released at once, it was also very strange. I have talked to several casual observers, and none of them had good things to say about it. I got very upset at a Internet friend for calling it Scamageddon, but actually find it a funny term now for it. It came across as desperate, a final attempt to pump the stock before it was all over. While many of the releases were "nice", they seemed to fall far short of delivering what their intention probably was. Maybe I'm/we aren't privy to enough of the process to understand why some of the PR's fell short. Maybe lawyers took out key sentences. Maybe John is waiting for more opportune times to be more clear on certain issues. I'll go over them one by one here.
-BOD choices. Why not just one PR, instead of 4? Why waste the money on releasing them individually? I personally don't think the BOD is that important, but if we want that 20% of the leadership piece of the puzzle to be strong, then hopefully they can do an excellent job. I feel good with the choices made, and with the intentions that John had in picking from shareholders. It could be a great move.
-P2O licenses being taken. Not sure why you release this. If you feel the need to do so, then why do it in the middle of so many PR's? It got lost. It would be a fine PR, say, tomorrow morning. People could digest it all by itself.
-Fuel Blending site. Love it. Maybe more explaining needed? I guess lawyers may take that sort of thing out though. Not market moving news, but could be, AFTER P2O is validated. Until then, hard to even begin to calculate it in to the whole picture.
-Sales Reps-Fine, good, probably best PR'd by itself to digest. Maybe best just before Pak-It retail launch.
-Captain of P2O ship hired. Awesome. How about more details on P2O sea division? Does the public even know what this is, what/why the strategy, and the potential earnings in the future?
-CEO to speak at African Petroleum event. Love it. Not market moving news, but solid PR. Release it by itself for better digestion. One of those things that could have huge implications down the road, but probably not much in the very near term.
-Vice President hire. Impressive young kid. Key word, young kid. He spoke well, and has a great young resume. I would like to see John hire more experienced, real world applicants for these roles. I agree with spotting good, young talent, and giving people a shot, but want to see a mix of very talented prospects and seasoned veterans.
-NY Production Facility-What we are all waiting for. Solid PR.
-IsleChem contributions to P2O. Great to get the name, but a terrible PR. More questions than answers. No IsleChem employee comments or numbers on the report? Report not done? Really? We were led to believe to look for this around X-mas. 45 days late, and this is it? Saving it for uplisting? Ok, solid plan, but this CC was well anticipated and hyped, for good reason, to be about validation. Now, there is just as much confusion about the relationship as ever.
-P2O Marine & Rick Heddle Contract-Why not put this and Captain Mike PR neck and neck. This PR on one day, followed by Mike the next, or possibly all as one PR.
-ADA for 45 Florida Sites-The second most anticipated PR. A let down without Al Sousa comments in the PR, and no details on money. I would have liked to see several million dollars given by Al. It sounded like on the CC that Al is brokering these deals. So, 45 sites look to be more of a goal, than a given.
-Tampa PTO-Potential site. Reservation deposit. Doesn't sound very solid. Sounds like either party can back out. Can we hear more? Who is the buyer, why are they qualified?
-Shareholder Meeting-Again, could use separation. Good to get a day nailed down. P2O or bust! WE GET TO SEE THE MACHINE!!!!!!
-Ohio P2O-CC says, we received money, but not sure if we'll go with them. Ok, thanks for stretching. Good to see people interested enough to put down a reservation deposit, I guess.
-First P2O Processing Site in Florida-$100,000 reservation deposit. Same address looked fishy. Answer didn't feel great. I'm not saying this isn't a solid deal, but that is just what JBI didn't need. This is the sort of thing that scams do. Shot a red flag, when not needed, and in the long line of "Scamageddon".
-LOI for U.S. Air Filtration Company-If P2O works, and they can figure out how to use medical waste, then this company is highly valuable to JBI. Good that it is profitable.
This past weekend backfired big time. If you believe any attention is good attention, then it can still have some good impact down the line. I believe John did this out of emotion. It's like when you see two people arguing across the room from you. You don't know who started it, or who is right or wrong, you just know they both look like idiots. While it was a great joy to see that many PR's released at once, it was also very strange. I have talked to several casual observers, and none of them had good things to say about it. I got very upset at a Internet friend for calling it Scamageddon, but actually find it a funny term now for it. It came across as desperate, a final attempt to pump the stock before it was all over. While many of the releases were "nice", they seemed to fall far short of delivering what their intention probably was. Maybe I'm/we aren't privy to enough of the process to understand why some of the PR's fell short. Maybe lawyers took out key sentences. Maybe John is waiting for more opportune times to be more clear on certain issues. I'll go over them one by one here.
-BOD choices. Why not just one PR, instead of 4? Why waste the money on releasing them individually? I personally don't think the BOD is that important, but if we want that 20% of the leadership piece of the puzzle to be strong, then hopefully they can do an excellent job. I feel good with the choices made, and with the intentions that John had in picking from shareholders. It could be a great move.
-P2O licenses being taken. Not sure why you release this. If you feel the need to do so, then why do it in the middle of so many PR's? It got lost. It would be a fine PR, say, tomorrow morning. People could digest it all by itself.
-Fuel Blending site. Love it. Maybe more explaining needed? I guess lawyers may take that sort of thing out though. Not market moving news, but could be, AFTER P2O is validated. Until then, hard to even begin to calculate it in to the whole picture.
-Sales Reps-Fine, good, probably best PR'd by itself to digest. Maybe best just before Pak-It retail launch.
-Captain of P2O ship hired. Awesome. How about more details on P2O sea division? Does the public even know what this is, what/why the strategy, and the potential earnings in the future?
-CEO to speak at African Petroleum event. Love it. Not market moving news, but solid PR. Release it by itself for better digestion. One of those things that could have huge implications down the road, but probably not much in the very near term.
-Vice President hire. Impressive young kid. Key word, young kid. He spoke well, and has a great young resume. I would like to see John hire more experienced, real world applicants for these roles. I agree with spotting good, young talent, and giving people a shot, but want to see a mix of very talented prospects and seasoned veterans.
-NY Production Facility-What we are all waiting for. Solid PR.
-IsleChem contributions to P2O. Great to get the name, but a terrible PR. More questions than answers. No IsleChem employee comments or numbers on the report? Report not done? Really? We were led to believe to look for this around X-mas. 45 days late, and this is it? Saving it for uplisting? Ok, solid plan, but this CC was well anticipated and hyped, for good reason, to be about validation. Now, there is just as much confusion about the relationship as ever.
-P2O Marine & Rick Heddle Contract-Why not put this and Captain Mike PR neck and neck. This PR on one day, followed by Mike the next, or possibly all as one PR.
-ADA for 45 Florida Sites-The second most anticipated PR. A let down without Al Sousa comments in the PR, and no details on money. I would have liked to see several million dollars given by Al. It sounded like on the CC that Al is brokering these deals. So, 45 sites look to be more of a goal, than a given.
-Tampa PTO-Potential site. Reservation deposit. Doesn't sound very solid. Sounds like either party can back out. Can we hear more? Who is the buyer, why are they qualified?
-Shareholder Meeting-Again, could use separation. Good to get a day nailed down. P2O or bust! WE GET TO SEE THE MACHINE!!!!!!
-Ohio P2O-CC says, we received money, but not sure if we'll go with them. Ok, thanks for stretching. Good to see people interested enough to put down a reservation deposit, I guess.
-First P2O Processing Site in Florida-$100,000 reservation deposit. Same address looked fishy. Answer didn't feel great. I'm not saying this isn't a solid deal, but that is just what JBI didn't need. This is the sort of thing that scams do. Shot a red flag, when not needed, and in the long line of "Scamageddon".
-LOI for U.S. Air Filtration Company-If P2O works, and they can figure out how to use medical waste, then this company is highly valuable to JBI. Good that it is profitable.
I like the intention of transparency, when allowing BOD post on the message board, but think it looks bad on the company. I don't think BOD members should be wasting their time with skeptics. Let us take care of them. This is the wild west. The Wild West has done all it can do to take this stock higher, and if you want to succeed, you need to reach a higher level of investors. BOD time is more valuably spent elsewhere. Being here makes the company look like a possible scam. Start acting like a big board company. I can look the other way if it continues, and admit I might be too strong on that opinion. Maybe we should have a poll?
Pak-It and Javaco:
Maybe Javaco was needed to convince Pak-It to choose JBI as their buyer. Pak-It is extremely valuable to the P2O roll out. To get a company with this much potential, and have high prospects of profitability, for the price/deal we did, was a huge win. If teh Javaco purchase was needed, with the media credits, and being similar in size to persuade Pak-It to choose JBI as the purchaser, then Javaco was worth every penny right there. The media credits should be helpful in launching brand awareness in print and radio. If Judy(CEO of Javaco), can prove to have strong business connections for P2O in Mexico and Latin America, then Javaco becomes a home run. Unfortunately, we have to deal with Mr. Kidd. Good bait for skeptics, but definitely not apart of JBI.
Hopefully, Pak-It retail roll out isn't consuming much needed time and money of John and the P2O team. How much will T.V. infomercials cost? How much were the new machines? How much money is it costing to launch all this. Why is this such a concern? If P2O is a home run, why mess with Pak-It retail roll out at this time? Hopefully, it's just a desire to do many things at once. Scams tend to use the approach of many divisions to not get people focused too much on one thing. I promise you, Pak-It isn't going to support JBI stock at $4+, and the vast majority of prospective and current investors aren't here for Pak-It's products. We wish it the best success, and see the huge potential. Just please don't consume the majority of much needed resources for the home run.
I have given all the reasons why I think JBI and John are the real deal many times. I and many people I trust are more confident that JBI is real, and that John is a great man than any other speculative investment we have ever seen. That comes from several individuals that have decades of investment experience. Some of these individuals are or have been Money Managers, Investment Advisors, and Professional traders.
Why would John Bordynuik run a pump and dump when he was independently wealthy with his legacy tape conversion business that has the trust of NASA, MIT, Harvard, U.S. Army, Big Oil and Gas, etc.? John has worked with many Fortune 100 companies on a consulting basis. He recovered software for Paul Allen. He invented a dirty bomb detector. He helped the FBI write a program to track down kidnapped children. He makes $1/year salary, is using value management(only paid if success), rails against top heavy management, rails against the practices on the OTC, has never used a promotional firm, or given shares to an IR firm or investment banker/hedge fund. He even returned $1 million to the bank when it wasn't his. Some say of course he had to return it, but the bank told him for a week it was his to have. He could have easily taken it without liability at that point.
Based on what I perceive my own strong ability to read peoples character, and the ability of some very intelligent people that I trusts ability, we all believe John is an honest man, who is set to do great things.
To reiterate, I'm not saying I have all the answers. Just trying to lay things out as I see them. I most certainly am misinformed with some things, and probably have no idea what I'm talking about in some instances. Feel free to point them out. Maybe this post is too much digest, just like all those PR's.
Right now, two large, obnoxious, and opposite crowds, with a lot of people in between, believe they are right. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong. Look for continued high volatility and obnoxiousness until 1 or more of the 3 validation process is met. We should get 1-2 of them within 9.5 weeks. Good luck everyone!
The island of doubt-It's like the taste of medicine
Working by hindsight-Got the message from the oxygen
Making a list-Find the cost of opportunity
Doing it right-Facts are useless in emergencies
Facts are simple and facts are straight
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts all come with points of view
Facts don't do what I want them to
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are nothing on the face of things
Facts don't stain the furniture
Facts go out and slam the door
Facts are written all over your face
Facts continue to change their shape
I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...
I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...
I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...
Pak-It and Javaco:
Maybe Javaco was needed to convince Pak-It to choose JBI as their buyer. Pak-It is extremely valuable to the P2O roll out. To get a company with this much potential, and have high prospects of profitability, for the price/deal we did, was a huge win. If teh Javaco purchase was needed, with the media credits, and being similar in size to persuade Pak-It to choose JBI as the purchaser, then Javaco was worth every penny right there. The media credits should be helpful in launching brand awareness in print and radio. If Judy(CEO of Javaco), can prove to have strong business connections for P2O in Mexico and Latin America, then Javaco becomes a home run. Unfortunately, we have to deal with Mr. Kidd. Good bait for skeptics, but definitely not apart of JBI.
Hopefully, Pak-It retail roll out isn't consuming much needed time and money of John and the P2O team. How much will T.V. infomercials cost? How much were the new machines? How much money is it costing to launch all this. Why is this such a concern? If P2O is a home run, why mess with Pak-It retail roll out at this time? Hopefully, it's just a desire to do many things at once. Scams tend to use the approach of many divisions to not get people focused too much on one thing. I promise you, Pak-It isn't going to support JBI stock at $4+, and the vast majority of prospective and current investors aren't here for Pak-It's products. We wish it the best success, and see the huge potential. Just please don't consume the majority of much needed resources for the home run.
I have given all the reasons why I think JBI and John are the real deal many times. I and many people I trust are more confident that JBI is real, and that John is a great man than any other speculative investment we have ever seen. That comes from several individuals that have decades of investment experience. Some of these individuals are or have been Money Managers, Investment Advisors, and Professional traders.
Why would John Bordynuik run a pump and dump when he was independently wealthy with his legacy tape conversion business that has the trust of NASA, MIT, Harvard, U.S. Army, Big Oil and Gas, etc.? John has worked with many Fortune 100 companies on a consulting basis. He recovered software for Paul Allen. He invented a dirty bomb detector. He helped the FBI write a program to track down kidnapped children. He makes $1/year salary, is using value management(only paid if success), rails against top heavy management, rails against the practices on the OTC, has never used a promotional firm, or given shares to an IR firm or investment banker/hedge fund. He even returned $1 million to the bank when it wasn't his. Some say of course he had to return it, but the bank told him for a week it was his to have. He could have easily taken it without liability at that point.
Based on what I perceive my own strong ability to read peoples character, and the ability of some very intelligent people that I trusts ability, we all believe John is an honest man, who is set to do great things.
To reiterate, I'm not saying I have all the answers. Just trying to lay things out as I see them. I most certainly am misinformed with some things, and probably have no idea what I'm talking about in some instances. Feel free to point them out. Maybe this post is too much digest, just like all those PR's.
Right now, two large, obnoxious, and opposite crowds, with a lot of people in between, believe they are right. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong. Look for continued high volatility and obnoxiousness until 1 or more of the 3 validation process is met. We should get 1-2 of them within 9.5 weeks. Good luck everyone!
The island of doubt-It's like the taste of medicine
Working by hindsight-Got the message from the oxygen
Making a list-Find the cost of opportunity
Doing it right-Facts are useless in emergencies
Facts are simple and facts are straight
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts all come with points of view
Facts don't do what I want them to
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are nothing on the face of things
Facts don't stain the furniture
Facts go out and slam the door
Facts are written all over your face
Facts continue to change their shape
I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...
I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...
I'm still waiting...I'm still waiting...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What does it all mean?
We live in a rapidly-changing world! Technology, Environment & Energy are "driving forces"!
Monday, February 15, 2010
JBII Conference Call Summary
Thanks to Stu Miller for this summary:
Here is my take on the salient points from the conf call -- in the absence of any slides I took it upon myself to summarize what was said. Sorry for the typo's and name misspellings, if any:
You can listen to the entire Conference Call here: JBII Conference Call
INTRO AND PROGRESS TO DATE (speaker: John Bordynuik)
. in 2009 acquired an public shell company with no operating business
. had 63m issued & outstanding shares
. converted to an operating company with 46m issued & outstanding shares
. > $3m cash
. several operating entities
. significant revenues
. operating entities:
. tape & data migration
. Pak-It
. Javaco
. P2O
. factories in NY and PA
. large blending facility
. warehouse in OH
. offices in Mexico, Clearwater FL, Cambridge MA
. executed agreements with Rick Heddle & Al Sousa for ship & land-based P2O activities, including P2O licencing
. IsleChem (state-certified lab) is working with JBI on P2O validation and fine-tuning
. executed LOI for air handling company to assist with Pak-It and medical waste
. paid off ~$7m in debt (are now debt-free)
. completed successful PIPE
. created a value-based mgmt team
. established an independant board of directors comprised of shareholders
. built an excellent innovating engineering team, including chemsists for P2O & Pak-It
. expanded Pak-It's orig. bus plan
. massive direct-to-retail campaign
. automating Pak-It operations (10x production increase)
. all this, in only 9 months!
. (from website) ground-breaking technology company founded on the principles of integrity, transparency and responsibility, benefiting mankind and future generations,
. P2O objective: convert 10% of all waste plastic into useable energy --> "recycling 2.0"
. getting overwhelming assistance by regular people and shareholders
. open communication & transparent with shareholders
. crowd-sourcing: harness power of collective intelligence of JBI shareholders
. provides access to valuable experience
. access to resources otherwise prohibitively expensive (e.g. fuel-blending site?)
. many investors help with their spare time: increase investment value & help environment
. retired investors working on: machining, welding, electrical, building, etc
. highly experienced & value-based management team: no pay without success
Information is released as quickly as legally possibly, JB will push for less expensive methods of dissemniation information.
. IPO was not exit strategy
. funds don't control the board
. focus on long-term profitibility, not short-term earnings
. building a "value-based company"
. all of yesterday PRs were executed in the 2 days leading up to this conf call
. result of collaboration of 30+ people and several law firms and self-imposed deadlines
. all underwent appropriate due-dilligence before publication
. more "waves" like this weekend to come in the future
. this wave is proof we have the right team and right shareholders to take JBI to the next level
. Geoff Webber, Robert Shoemaker, Al Sousa, Mike Kaplanis, Dick H., Linda Burr
. all are assisting with licence agreements, ADA agreements, processing applications
. new sales team led by Bob M.
. operations managed by Katie
Quote:"Bold moves get noticed. They make history, the motivate staff, create momentum, stir-up a storm, bring everything to a critical mass that converts a huge challenging problem into a big success.
It also gets eyes on our products and gets eyes on our stock without using paid stock promoters. And it removes barriers in our business plan."
(John Bordynuik)
Quote:"It's my obligation to back-up anything this company says in a PR. If I can't, then the regulatory agencies would have a field day with me. When we say somethign in a PR, it's real -- there's no fluff and no nonsense. It also goes through our securities lawyers for vetting."
(John Bordynuik)
Uplisting: applications submitted and fees paid. Uplisting is not delayed, simply occuring in normal course of business.
Quote:"You'll know as soon as I do -- this is important to all of us."
(John Bordynuik)
. expansion into 2nd US factory for massive retail launch
. Jacob Smith (COO) is tasked full-time with this, in Philidelphia
. new automated machines delivered, installation underway, also in Canada
. imminent launch of direct-to-retail informercial campain (Western Creative)
. Fuel-blending site key to establish path for direct distribution in retail
. ability to process own specialy fuels (from P2O processors direct to customer)
. allows JBI to displace high-cost of raw fuels and substitue with P2O output for greatly increase margins
. executed purchase agreement for NY factory (p2o site) with river-water permit (cooling)
. other unique features that compliment "ideal operating facility"
. see for yourself at AGM in April wink
. "very happy with processor progress" (John Bordynuik)
. working on land, marine, and mobile processors
. also secondary processors for specialized niche markets like medical waste
. IsleChem working on all aspects: analytical data, safety, controls to ensure processor is green and efficient
. on-going discussions with a local manfacturer for USA-built processors
. P2O Marine info
. Rick Heddle: never touches a project unless he's sure it will be a success
. is a large personal shareholder of JBI
. Heddle experience covers marine law, ship building, owns & operates ships, retro-fitting
. Captain Moneyhan: 100's of 1000's of miles under his belt
P2O OVERVIEW (speaking: Geoff Weber)
. first P2O site in FL t.b.d: depends on feedstock & tax credits
. similar process across the country
. worked with Sousa for several months
. Sousa assisting with process:
. screening P2O applications (received over 30 so far)
. finding plastic sources and fuel buyers
. moving quickly into other US states
. applications: 4 in Europe, CA, CO, WI, GA, and more...
. received several reservation agreements ($100k deposit) in Tampa FL, Cleveland OH
. very encouraged by response given complete lack of marketing of P2O liencing program
. confident about "land rush"
PAK-IT ROLLOUT (speaking: Katie Matkowski)
. overseeing rollout of Pak-It in Canada
. retail compaign: Western Creative & infomercials
. new sales team and retail channels
. creating marketing material
. increased production capabilities (automation)
. coordination between US & Canada
. targeting Oil & Gas industry
. JB speaking African Petroleum Conference
. huge opp. to promote technology
PAK-IT STRATEGY: (speaking: Bob M.)
. large accounts: often contracts locked-up, but many are trying products and some orders already
. small/mid-size accounts: sales team on-the-ground in Canada
. target commercial and BSCs
. marketing to households, hospitality industry, food & beverage industry,
. household strategy:
. have developed custom household cleaning kit
. partnership with large charity "Heart Niaraga"
. first pass covered > 500k households in Niagara region including 300 schools, local sports organizations
. excellent "pilot", plan to fine-tune & repeat across the country and abroad
. hospilality / food & beveage:
. great feedback so far
. received testimonials from head-purchasing managers re: 30% cost reduction and ease-of-use
. receiving POs from Best Western, Howard Johnson, Marriot, Americana Hotels, sheraton crown Plaza (many of whom are still under contract with another provider)
. retail:
. after couple of weeks: already secured first 2 major POs: 150 stores in Niagara region!
Wess offers to answer JBII investor questions
BOD member John Wesson has volunteered his time to respond to any investor question of a "non-material" nature. Thank you Wess! Wess speaks:
Good Afternoon everyone,
I just got back from Maine a short while ago. I created a new E-mail address on AOL for anyone, like REV, who may wish to contact me directly. I am also on Facebook, and will accept anyone who desires contact via that medium. I was going to list my phone number, but deceided that would not be reasonable as I have only the one line, limited time, and am afraid it might interfere with what little sleep I now get :)
What I shall do is provide my number, in selected cases, based upon the nature of the inquiry, or problem that I can assist with. In a few months I hope to have a separate line that I can dedicate for such purposes.
In the meantime, I again emphasize the caveat: My time is extremely limited, except on weekends, so I may not be able to respond right away.
My AOL address is JMWesson
Also, I understand there should be an JBII E-mail address for me, but I need to explore that issue. I have some isues I need to work on, promises to keep, so I will be on and off iHub, checking posts as I go about my other tasks.
(Prime among them is making reservations for the AGM)
Good Afternoon everyone,
I just got back from Maine a short while ago. I created a new E-mail address on AOL for anyone, like REV, who may wish to contact me directly. I am also on Facebook, and will accept anyone who desires contact via that medium. I was going to list my phone number, but deceided that would not be reasonable as I have only the one line, limited time, and am afraid it might interfere with what little sleep I now get :)
What I shall do is provide my number, in selected cases, based upon the nature of the inquiry, or problem that I can assist with. In a few months I hope to have a separate line that I can dedicate for such purposes.
In the meantime, I again emphasize the caveat: My time is extremely limited, except on weekends, so I may not be able to respond right away.
My AOL address is JMWesson
Also, I understand there should be an JBII E-mail address for me, but I need to explore that issue. I have some isues I need to work on, promises to keep, so I will be on and off iHub, checking posts as I go about my other tasks.
(Prime among them is making reservations for the AGM)
"rpg101" shares his opinion on iHub
rpg101 is a senior software engineer for JBI and he offers his following thoughts on CEO John Bordynuik, investing in JBII, and JBI's outlook:
Investing is not a 100m race. It's a marathon. You all know now that processors are starting to be sold everywhere. They will start to go live in the coming months. In April you'll see, along with press and prospective buyers, the processor working. John is the most honest person I've come across in my life and I've known him for almost 2 years. Yesterday he was working and on facebook 2 hours before his wedding. Talk about hard work!!!!
For the non believers, EP share price matrix is a good reflection of where the PPS might be in the near future. If the PPS will be at 7, 8 or 9 tomorrow I don't know, but that it will be many times where it is today. I can assure you of that. The question is not IF but WHEN, and that depends on how fast processors will go live.
P2O is real, so is Pakit, so are tapes. This is not a Cinderella story. JBI is the result of the dream and hard work of a man with a vision.
Disclosure: I'm a senior software engineer for JBI
Investing is not a 100m race. It's a marathon. You all know now that processors are starting to be sold everywhere. They will start to go live in the coming months. In April you'll see, along with press and prospective buyers, the processor working. John is the most honest person I've come across in my life and I've known him for almost 2 years. Yesterday he was working and on facebook 2 hours before his wedding. Talk about hard work!!!!
For the non believers, EP share price matrix is a good reflection of where the PPS might be in the near future. If the PPS will be at 7, 8 or 9 tomorrow I don't know, but that it will be many times where it is today. I can assure you of that. The question is not IF but WHEN, and that depends on how fast processors will go live.
P2O is real, so is Pakit, so are tapes. This is not a Cinderella story. JBI is the result of the dream and hard work of a man with a vision.
Disclosure: I'm a senior software engineer for JBI
Saturday, February 13, 2010
CEO John Bordynuik has produced the PERFECT STORM with JBI's dissemination of the many corporate news items regarding the Company's progress! The STORM is projected to arrive this coming Tuesday when the market opens! Many investors will now be listening to his scheduled conference call set for 6:00 pm EST today. See for details.
Friday, February 12, 2010
JBI releases avalanche of PRs after market close
JBI, Inc. released numerous "material news" press releases after the market close today. The investment community is quite positive and excited about the Company's progress and looks forward to Saturday's (Feb 13) conference call with CEO John Bordynuik. Shareholders will likely be partying and celebrating this weekend in anticipation of an astounding trading day next Tuesday!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
iHub poster "Rawnoc" states P2O is the real deal!
1. State-cerified third party lab soon to release their name and full report as proof of 3rd party validation.
2. Up to 45 P2O sites contract soon to close with an ex-VP of a multi-billion dollar NYSE company.
3. Prototype Video:
4. CEO invites any skeptics to come see the P2O site and to bring a chemist....and a calculator:
This is in addition to PRs and SEC filings, of course.
Tanker/Ship Wanted
Company ad for a Tanker/Ship Wanted:
We require a 1000MT to 2, or even 3000MT cargo or tanker ship. Double hull preferred. It must be pilotable and have a flag and able to sail. We would like a ship closest to China. We would like to close a deal quickly.
Status: Available
Contact: John Bordynuik [Send Enquiry]
Telephone: 289-668-7222
Location: Ontario Canada
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
New Corporate Logo
Looks like the company logo has improved immensely. .
We've added it to the blog......z
We've added it to the blog......z
There's major DD info available for JBI
Prior to investing in any security, all investors are well-advised to do ample due diligence investigation to determine if the stock investment is suitable and appropriate for them. CEO John Bordynuik always makes every attempt to be totally transparent, informative, and compliant with all securities rules and regulations.
Prospective investors in JBI should be able to find sufficient information (SEC filings, PR releases, CPA, investment advisors, etc) to enable making a fair and balanced decision as to the investment merits of JBI.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Nice P2O Post by iHub member ddbl_our_buck
JBI is moving at supersonic speed! Don't get left behind!!
"We will soon be well-positioned to grow this profit center by clustering Plastic2Oil processors in communities while enjoying the benefits of reduced fixed costs through shared resources." --John Bordynuik, CEO, JBI, Inc
Advantages of our Business Model
Standardized installation, documentation, and maintenance.
Shared fixed costs amongst a cluster of processors.
Realized economies of scale and scope.
Reduced energy costs to transport raw material to many
local sites as opposed to a single large facility.
Predictable revenues and stable growth.
Financed growth by a variety of creative financing
techniques such as joint ventures and licensing agreements.
Growth and business: stability through the strategic
placement of processors in industrial areas with a high volume of recycling activity and large population base such as Philadelphia, Tampa Bay and Miami based on exclusive operating agreements
Advantages of our Plastic2Oil Machines:
Low cost, our machines cost under $200,000 each compared to $3,000,000 - $5,000,000 per machine of other competitors
Extremely low energy consumption. Unit operates off of its own off-gases created by the plastic cracking process
Our catalyst (trade secret) greatly decreases conversion time and increases yield
website is 110% ~ awesome! another task accomplished
lots to talk about!
"We will soon be well-positioned to grow this profit center by clustering Plastic2Oil processors in communities while enjoying the benefits of reduced fixed costs through shared resources." --John Bordynuik, CEO, JBI, Inc
Advantages of our Business Model
Standardized installation, documentation, and maintenance.
Shared fixed costs amongst a cluster of processors.
Realized economies of scale and scope.
Reduced energy costs to transport raw material to many
local sites as opposed to a single large facility.
Predictable revenues and stable growth.
Financed growth by a variety of creative financing
techniques such as joint ventures and licensing agreements.
Growth and business: stability through the strategic
placement of processors in industrial areas with a high volume of recycling activity and large population base such as Philadelphia, Tampa Bay and Miami based on exclusive operating agreements
Advantages of our Plastic2Oil Machines:
Low cost, our machines cost under $200,000 each compared to $3,000,000 - $5,000,000 per machine of other competitors
Extremely low energy consumption. Unit operates off of its own off-gases created by the plastic cracking process
Our catalyst (trade secret) greatly decreases conversion time and increases yield
website is 110% ~ awesome! another task accomplished
lots to talk about!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Latest JBII Pro vs Con List
Shareholders and interested parties were asked by moderator "Zardiw" on the iHub JBII board to submit FACTUAL info on the pro's and con's of an investment in JBI stock. Following are the lists:
JBII: Pro vs Con:
Be sure to Sign Up for the JBII EMail Alerts List here:
For those interested, we have deeper DD here:
Executive Summary and Hot Posts:
Please add to this list, both positive and negative. Just the facts ma'am:
1. Sole Sourced by NASA.
2. Impeccable reputation of John Bordynuik, CEO.
3. Has been invited by a managing director of Nasdaq (Jordan Saxe) to uplist to the Nasdaq Exchange.
4. Has filed applications with both Nasdaq and AMEX, and wired the application fees.
5. Company is fully reporting with SEC Filings.
6. Company is Debt Free.
7. OS recently reduced by 20% to 46M.
8. CEO has returned 75% (30M) of his private shares to the company treasury.
9. Company just launched professional new website ( )
10. Company's subsidiaries are structured to support each other.
11. Management highly qualified and diversified as to their talents.
12. Company products and services are Ecologically Green.
13. Company makes every effort to keep shareholders informed
14. CEO informs shareholders on FaceBook on non material developments.
15. 100% Follow through on statements made by the company.
16. Owns largest Engineering Knowledge archive in the world.
17. Has been issued patents on Pak-It concept, and a Dirty bomb detector.
18. Company owns roughly $10M worth of media credits
19. Authorized shares increased to 150M (Pro/Con, since these are needed for future acquisitions).
20. Company is under total control by CEO. (Not sure if that is a pro or con, so I put it on both sides).
21. Transfer Agent is UnGagged.
22. Uses Value Based Management business model.
JB1. Has spent his life working with electronics, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer hardware and software.
JB2. Nicknamed 'Honest John' by various media.
JB3. Took courses at Harvard in business management/running public company.
JB4. Worked at the Ontario Legislature for 10 years.
JB5. Issued a patent for a dirty bomb detector that fits in a key fob.
JB6. Salary = $1/year
JB7. Nothing derogatory has been found in DD'ing the CEO.
JB8 Provided unique services to Paul Allen of Microsoft.
JB9. Has an IQ of 170.
JB10. Built specialized tape drives, and developed software to read legacy computer tapes.
P2O0. If only 20% of all the waste plastic dumped into landfills in the US were converted to fuel and sold it would result in revenues of $4.2B/year.
P2O1. P2O concept has been proven by other companies to work on a large scale.
P2O2. P2O Catalyst is proprietary intellectual property of the company.
P2O3. Prototype testing shows that with the proprietary catalyst, production is increased by a factor of 16.
P2O4. P2O machine is being validated by a State Certified Lab
P2O5. State certified lab has agreed to release their name and the results of P2O validation in due course.
P2O6. LOI for 45 P2O JV's in Florida.
P2O7. First P20 franchisee is an ex VP of a multi-billion dollar NYSE company that got bought out.
P2O8. Implementation cost of P2O much lower than competition.
P2O9. JV with Heddle Marine to build P2O equipped ocean going tankers.
P2O10. No competition in the ocean going P2O tanker arena.
PI1. Pak-It products used inhouse in all Home Depot, Sears, Staples, Regis Salons, and Michaels stores
PI2: Products: Pak-It - Fully validated by Home Depot, Staples, etc as to high quality.
PI3. Pak-It products have been tested by IHub shareholders and found to be exceptional.
PI4. Retail marketing plan in place for Pak-It rollout via Western Creative.
PI5. Expansion into Canada is underway.
PI6. Production automation is underway.
PI7. New production facility planned. To be built in New Jersey.
Legacy Tape Reading:
L1. Company is currently reading thousands of tapes for NASA using specialized tape drives and software.
L2. Products: Tape reading - Fully validated by NASA.
L3. Company can read legacy tapes at 100% accuracy
L4. Company has no credible competition in legacy tape reading.
L5. Huge market exists in reading Seismic Tapes for major oil companies.
J1.. Javaco is a company built from the ground up by a CEO (Judy Vasquez) who has extensive connections in Mexico and South America.
J2. Javaco listed #3,697 in top 5,000 fastest growing companies of 2007:
J3. Javaco, Inc. 2007 revenues were $5.996 Million with net income of $229,000, which was a 33.95% increase in revenue and 207% increase in net income from 2006, when revenues were $4.476 Million with net income of $74,500.
J4. Javaco debt: the Company also paid off the debt and founder loans of its subsidiary Javaco, Inc., in an amount totaling $397,644.44 from the proceeds of the Private Offering.
J5. JAVACO, Inc. currently distributes over 100 lines of equipment from fiber optic transmitters to RF connectors. To further enhance business in the United States, new distribution lines are frequently being added including a line of home theater and audio video products. Early in 2002, JAVACO, Inc. expanded its US business when it hired Tina Tomblin, with over 20 years in the cable television industry in both operations and sales, to manage sales in the United States. Javaco will assist in establishing Plastic2Oil sites in Mexico and Latin America using its established business connections and knowledge in those areas. Javaco has access to high quality plastics generally discarded by cable television and telephone companies.
1. Market Cap is high based on current revenues.
2. P2O large scale with company catalyst unproven at this time.
3. Trades on the OTC.
4. Company is under total control by CEO.
5. No mainstream media coverage currently.
6. Authorized shares increased to 150M. (Could theoritically be used for dilution).
P2O T-Shirts
If you want a cool P2O T-Shirt, you can order one here. I'm selling these at my cost, and am actually losing a little, SO, for you bashers out there, this is not one of my 'get rich quick'
The first 10 people that asked for one are getting it for free. But if you want more than one, please click on the buy button below.
The T-Shirts are Hanes Beefy T's, Black, and have the following on the front.
Click on the image to go to the ordering page. Cost is $15.
The first 10 people that asked for one are getting it for free. But if you want more than one, please click on the buy button below.
The T-Shirts are Hanes Beefy T's, Black, and have the following on the front.
Click on the image to go to the ordering page. Cost is $15.
Name the first P2O Tanker/Ship
We're having a contest to name the first P2O Ship. Here are the entries so far:
First P2O Tanker/Ship Names:
SS Short Buster - waikikian
Honest John - Guzaling
MV Plastic Gulper - MrGekko
JBI Spirit - AK45SOAR
JBI Green Spirit - AK45SOAR
The Babe - stocker11
SS Master Bait - Rawnoc
SS Plastic Bait - blueone
SS Minnow - MrGekko
SS Green Day - retire_early
First P2O Tanker/Ship Names:
SS Short Buster - waikikian
Honest John - Guzaling
MV Plastic Gulper - MrGekko
JBI Spirit - AK45SOAR
JBI Green Spirit - AK45SOAR
The Babe - stocker11
SS Master Bait - Rawnoc
SS Plastic Bait - blueone
SS Minnow - MrGekko
SS Green Day - retire_early
Setting the record straight
Questions arose over the legitimacy of this blog site, and connection to JBII.
I wish to set the record straight.
The blog site was originally created by James Parker, a JBI shareholder, prior to any connection to JBII.
John Bordynuik later asked James to serve as IR liason. James continued the blog, as it was his creation, served a useful purpose, and was informative.
It is my understanding that the lawyers for JBII advised that there might arise legal issues, should posts be considered to be officialy endorsed by JBII. It was at that time that the disclaimer was placed at the top of the blog site. This caused certain posters on message board sites to claim the blog site as a scam, or contrived by JBII. Because of those unfounded claims, and due to the consideration that such perceptions could spread, James was asked to give up the blog site he created.
Hans was asked to take it over, which he graciously accepted. I hope this clarifies this once and for all.
My regards to all,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Blueone from iHub addresses the latest crop of naysayers.
1)"A small scale p2o operation as described by JBII is very unlikely to make any money." WRONG: Plans are to roll out 2500 sites over 5-7 years, with each site having at least 2 machines, each of which might net 2.2 million per year. We already have 45 planned for Florida alone.
2)"There are companies sitting on billions of dollars in cash and if it were worth the investment, they would buy and operate any of the 50 different models of working P2O machines." WRONG: Big money has already approached JB and he has turned them down. Why? Do some DD into the man's character and you will find the answer. Character counts for a lot in life, doesn't it?
3)"The only thing this stock is riding on is peoples beliefs that the secret catalyst is what seperates them from the rest. That is it, nothing more." WRONG AGAIN: It is the heterogeneous catalyst that the Toronto lawyers are working to protect, yes, but the catalyst in the hands of its discoverer, now that's a powerful combination. Why? Because JB is someone who has the smarts, courage and proven pattern of execution to lay out a sustainable path of accelerated growth. Remember, growth is like crack to wall street analysts and buy-side hedge funds. That means once we uplist and start to get coverage, all bets are off on the kind of run this could make.
4)"Technology is very old and too expensive to be worth investing in." WRONG: Not worthy of rebuttal, no understanding of the technology. Trying to use the experience of other unsuccessful companies like Envion.
5)"I highly doubt it as do all the people with the piles of money who are choosing to ignore JBII." WRONG: illogical to call the rise in stock value over the past six months from $1-5 being "ignored." See answer number 2 for more info about JB turning away promoters and funds who wanted to take over early on. JB has not allowed them in for very specific reasons. Please name two of these to indicate you have done some DD on the man's character.
So all five of your points have been shown to be incorrect.
And by the way: the Marquis De Sade is cheering you on...
When challenged on his opinion, Blueone responds:
#1-- "Problem here is the claims are astronomical."
*** Correct, but that may not turn out to be a "problem" at all. At first glance, P2O does seem "too good to be true." That's why extensive DD has been crucial. We will all find out in 3-6 months, and most likely a lot sooner than that.
#2--"My point was is you look around at real documented (not some blog) cases of p2o machines, they are huge ( city blocks) sized machines costing millions, not little machines for $200K. My point was not their claim to roll out 2500 machines, only that a small machine as they claim to be rolling out, is not likely to turn a profit. We are waiting for them to prove otherwise. And the lab certification only will prove that you can make plastic from oil, but we already know this. Can they make a profit from it?"
***If the catalyst has been shown to be 16X more efficient, and can crack the plastic molecule along a tight range to produce refined hydrocarbon products, why would the process not be profitable? Validation and certification have been addressed by others-- it is being done to expedite the roll-out by having the regulatory "template" in place for regional licensing agencies. Again, we will know soon enough, so Wess' question about why you are attacking now remains relevant.
#3 "why would anyone in their right mind, especially someone with a suppossed iq of 170, turn down an offer from one entity to give them the $6.5 million for the shares offered?"
***Because to do so would have meant giving up some control (voting rights) over the company, as well as the likely influx of "promoters" tied to those funds, and JB did not want any of that garbage influencing his company. This is another aspect of his character and integrity, which I have asked you to speak to, but which you have ignored.
#4 "The only thing this stock is riding on is peoples beliefs that the secret catalyst is what seperates them from the rest. That is it, nothing more...It is admitted on this an many other boards that everyone is banking on p2o making billions, which is why you people are investors."
***Correct, the catalyst is what will make the P2O process profitable, which no one else has been able to do before. If we "knew" for certain today that the process was as profitable as claimed, do you think the PPS would be at $5? No, it would be much higher. Therefore, there is risk involved, but also quite possibly great reward.
#5 "Technology is very old and too expensive to be worth investing in. Envions machine, according to the county dump it is at, rarely ever runs and is being removed shortly. To my knowledge Envion hasnt turned a profit. P2o is very old check it out."
***Correct again! Many here have checked it out... and the technology is indeed old, but we are not investing in that old technology. Instead, we have concluded that JB has discovered a way to make the process profitable. We believe JB is telling the truth based on his past history, his character and integrity, his ability to solve problems that no one else can (NASA tapes), his pattern of successful execution thus far, his distrust of promoters, his wanting shareholders on the BOD, his not accepting a high salary until the success of the company comes to fruition (value based management), and his ability to follow through on each and every promise made. In sum: the man has done whatever he has said he would do thus far. With that kind of track record, why would someone believe that he is a scammer?
#6 "The stock rose on very little volume. This is a penny stock
and that is how they work. Very little volume will move it either way very fast."
*** A look at the chart from December, 2009 until now shows strong increases on high volume (150K to 200K share volume) and sideways to down price on much lower volume (30K to 60K volume). Those who understand technical analysis know that such a pattern is bullish.
#7 "So if you get a bunch of believers who aren't gonna sell, the stock rises quickly with no counter balance shorting. The question is who will have a chair when the music stops?"
***You assume the music will stop rather than turn into a beautiful symphony that harmonizes a cleaner environment and highly profitable set of businesses, along with new innovations and solutions to problems yet to be discovered by John Bordynuik. A better question is: could this be the investment of a lifetime?
Ladies and gentlemen-- place your bets...
GlobeNewswire added to IHub!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Great Pacific Garbage Patch - An Environmental Disaster
Following is courtesy of National Geographic magazine:
September 4, 2009--Tangled with plastic, rope, and various aquatic animals, a "ghost net" drifts in August 2009 in the Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch, a loose, free-floating "dump" twice the size of Texas.
SEAPLEX (the Scripps Environmental Accumulation of Plastic Expedition) recently became the first dedicated research trip to study the science of the remote plastic vortex in the ocean between California and Hawaii. (See "Giant Ocean-Trash Vortex Attracts Explorers.")
While large pieces are common, the garbage patch is not an island of plastic, the team found on their 19-day expedition in August. Much of the debris is in the form of countless thumbnail-size scraps.
"I think the plastic-confetti metaphor is probably closest to the reality," said expedition member Jesse Powell, a doctoral student in biological oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California.
ABC News segment on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
"Wess" offers well-reasoned rebuttal to JBI nay sayers
iHub poster "Wess" responds to nay sayer posters who doubt the validity of JBI's technology or its growth potential.
"Wess" comments:
In reading these posts I see two general attacks:
The first is meant to discredit by assailing the profitability of the various units of JBII.
The second is to discredit the information that has been issued by JBII as not verified, and therefore not credible.
In answer to the first:
Most start up companies are not profitable for many years, if at all. JBII was not only profitable, but within months of incorporation acquired two other companies (also profitable), and started a third.
The relevance (or lack thereof) of the limited profitability of these companies is smoke and mirrors on behalf of the posters in an attempt to distract and discredit. JBII purchased them to enhance the overall company through what they produce, can produce, and are positioned to accomplish, as mentioned in the 8Ks, press releases, and postings.
They have been a part of JBII for only a few months but have been synergistically integrated.
The fact that their revenues did not equate to massive EPS is meaningless in light of the facts that:
A) They were not bought for the revenue
B) The revenue, taken separately, and prior to integration, are not being evaluated in light of their integration into the new company.
C) P2O is expected to launch soon
D) The Tape reading has been, and continues to be expanded.
E) Pak-it is expected to increase revenue significantly through the re-tooling, roll-out to retail consumer, and advertising blitz, in addition to expanding the market from the US to include Canada, Central and South America, and Europe (starting with the distributor in England)
The negative posters try to mislead by asserting two different points at the same time, implying that they are one and the same:
JBII is not valid because the revenues generated from the separate entities in the past do not warrant, and JBII is not valid because the claims they make are not founded, in their estimation, and therefore discussion of the forward projections are considered meaningless.
As I have indicated, the first is irrelevant due the fact that the acquisitions were strategic to facilitate the the growth of the company,including the restructuring of those entities to increase profitability, and are meaningless due to the forward looking expectations (some of which are expected soon due to prior press). This is the probable reason for the attacks, otherwise, why not wait a few days for the CC, why the sudden spate of attacks so soon before the event?
In answer to the second:
Much press has been issued regarding verifications and future events. This has been summarily attacked primarily because it was issued by JBII, signed off by John B, or disclosed by John himself. The fact that specifics were not issued, even though noted that it would not be, is used a reasoning for its being invalid.
To this there are three answers:
First, to claim that the press, and releases from JB are invalid and unproven is in essence to call John a liar. I can hear the immediate outcry in defense, "I never said he was a liar." Too true, the words were never spoken, but the logical string derived of the assertions is tantamount to the same thing. JB has public ally stated that the P2O process has been tested, and validated. The critics say, "who did the testing?" "Where is publication of the result, certified by the lab?" "If it is not documented, how can it be known that it is valid?" Those assertions are to call into question the direct affirmations made by JB, thereby implicating him a liar and unreliable.
John's honesty and integrity has been proven many times over. MIT acknowledges him, NASA sole sources him, the Canadian legislature validates him, I even found validation from the NY State legislature for JBII. I, personally, deal in investigations of fraud, and vetted JB to my satisfaction. Moreover, not one of his critics, since the beginning of the posts here and elsewhere, has ever demonstrated a single fact discrediting him.
Second, what has John to gain from lying? He stands to lose everything where he to do so; assets, company, reputation and possibly freedom. John is extremely intelligent - documented by association with MIT, his patents, his accomplishments - is it reasonable to presume that he would therefore be stupid enough to lie about material facts that he knows will be required for the implementation of the P2O process, especially when he has mad it publicly known that the implementation is immanent, and when others have signed on, such as Heidel and Sousa? As a scam it would be the most incompetent, illogical attempt in the history of mankind. If it were a scam, JB would have been well served to trade his shares when the price was up, take the money and run. Oh,but wait, his shares were mostly exchanged to treasury, and he has not sold any to date. So, what, he makes false accusations, setting in motion the implementation of the P2O process, goes on record to state that the first will be operational before the AGM meeting, probably in March, and then waits for it all to fall apart?
Third, the verification of everything stipulated by JBII is immanent as indicated in the 8K. within am matter of weeks fro some items, possibly a little longer for other, all is expected to be verified by demonstration of fact. P2O expected in first quarter, before AGM, PAK-IT roll out and media blitz end of February, beginning of March, Lab certification allowed to be released, per the lab, joint ventures expected; all these are immanent in time and shall validate when accomplished, but rather than wait several weeks, the nay sayers are attempting to discredit JBII ahead of the fact. They cannot wait a few weeks to determine validity? If the stated goals were not to be accomplished they might have vindication. Instead of waiting for that vindication they are viscously increasing attacks. Why?
Therefore you have two options:
The first is to accept what JBII states to be true as coming from a reliable source, and accept the credibility.
The second is to assume that what has been asserted is unfounded, and therfore by logical inference, conclude that JB is a liar and fraud. This route is tantamount to slander, and has no basis or support, as previous demonstrated.
There are no other options: Either The assertions made by JBII and John are true or they are not. If you hold them to be true, than all other arguments fall by the wayside as specious. If you hold that they are not, then you indicate your belief that JB is a liar, a fraud, and stupid to boot, all this without any verification, just causal reasoning based upon faulty premise. Without any substance to merit questioning of Johns integrity, with evidence demonstrating both the futility and improbability of fraud or prevarication, I cannot conceive of holding to this premise.
The combining the two is a logical contradiction: JBII is not valid because the separate units, in the past before acquisition, do not merit value for JBII, and the fact that JBII purchased for strategic reasons, to grow the company and create profitability in not valid because it has not been seen (in 4 months), and the only word for it comes from the company. This is illogical as it dismisses value due to past events, and dismisses future events refuting the prior argument because they ARE forward looking, and demonstrated in the immediacy of now, discounting any and all evidence as irrelevant and unfounded.
John's character is unblemished. Reason dictates he is not lying, so therefore the assertions must be accepted as true. If you do not accept the value of JBII, at most you should wait until the stated events. soon forthcoming, prove or disprove themselves.
I, for one, am confident they shall validate all.
Monday, February 1, 2010
JBI Con Call Set for Sat., Feb 13
JBI, Inc. Announces Conference Call to Update Investors
NIAGARA FALLS, Ontario, Feb 1, 2010 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- JBI, Inc. (the "Company") (JBII) announces that CEO John Bordynuik will provide the investment community with a Company progress report on a conference call scheduled for Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 6:00 PM EST. All shareholders, prospective investors, and interested parties are invited to attend by calling the following numbers:
Dial in:
Call-in toll-free number (U.S./Canada) 1-877-669-3239
Call-in toll number (U.S./Canada) +1-408-600-3600
Access code: 668 346 148
Additionally, on February 12, 2010, JBI will provide a web link on its website at for interactive access. Mr. Bordynuik looks forward to updating all investors on JBI's progress.
NIAGARA FALLS, Ontario, Feb 1, 2010 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- JBI, Inc. (the "Company") (JBII) announces that CEO John Bordynuik will provide the investment community with a Company progress report on a conference call scheduled for Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 6:00 PM EST. All shareholders, prospective investors, and interested parties are invited to attend by calling the following numbers:
Dial in:
Call-in toll-free number (U.S./Canada) 1-877-669-3239
Call-in toll number (U.S./Canada) +1-408-600-3600
Access code: 668 346 148
Additionally, on February 12, 2010, JBI will provide a web link on its website at for interactive access. Mr. Bordynuik looks forward to updating all investors on JBI's progress.
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