Sunday, February 7, 2010

Name the first P2O Tanker/Ship

We're having a contest to name the first P2O Ship. Here are the entries so far:

First P2O Tanker/Ship Names:

SS Short Buster - waikikian
Honest John - Guzaling
MV Plastic Gulper - MrGekko
JBI Spirit - AK45SOAR
JBI Green Spirit - AK45SOAR
The Babe - stocker11
SS Master Bait - Rawnoc
SS Plastic Bait - blueone
SS Minnow - MrGekko
SS Green Day - retire_early



  1. Z Short Buster was a joke but hope it comes true. How about SS Enterprise (5 year mission to go where no man has gone before)Or is that too Trekky?

  2. I like the possible name of the P2O Vessel of:

    M/V JBI Global Innovation, seemed appropriate of the direction and purpose...goodboy2

  3. Maybe John should have the honour

  4. Anonymous Suggestion -

    Viridian Phoenix


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