1)"A small scale p2o operation as described by JBII is very unlikely to make any money." WRONG: Plans are to roll out 2500 sites over 5-7 years, with each site having at least 2 machines, each of which might net 2.2 million per year. We already have 45 planned for Florida alone.
2)"There are companies sitting on billions of dollars in cash and if it were worth the investment, they would buy and operate any of the 50 different models of working P2O machines." WRONG: Big money has already approached JB and he has turned them down. Why? Do some DD into the man's character and you will find the answer. Character counts for a lot in life, doesn't it?
3)"The only thing this stock is riding on is peoples beliefs that the secret catalyst is what seperates them from the rest. That is it, nothing more." WRONG AGAIN: It is the heterogeneous catalyst that the Toronto lawyers are working to protect, yes, but the catalyst in the hands of its discoverer, now that's a powerful combination. Why? Because JB is someone who has the smarts, courage and proven pattern of execution to lay out a sustainable path of accelerated growth. Remember, growth is like crack to wall street analysts and buy-side hedge funds. That means once we uplist and start to get coverage, all bets are off on the kind of run this could make.
4)"Technology is very old and too expensive to be worth investing in." WRONG: Not worthy of rebuttal, no understanding of the technology. Trying to use the experience of other unsuccessful companies like Envion.
5)"I highly doubt it as do all the people with the piles of money who are choosing to ignore JBII." WRONG: illogical to call the rise in stock value over the past six months from $1-5 being "ignored." See answer number 2 for more info about JB turning away promoters and funds who wanted to take over early on. JB has not allowed them in for very specific reasons. Please name two of these to indicate you have done some DD on the man's character.
So all five of your points have been shown to be incorrect.
And by the way: the Marquis De Sade is cheering you on...
When challenged on his opinion, Blueone responds:
#1-- "Problem here is the claims are astronomical."
*** Correct, but that may not turn out to be a "problem" at all. At first glance, P2O does seem "too good to be true." That's why extensive DD has been crucial. We will all find out in 3-6 months, and most likely a lot sooner than that.
#2--"My point was is you look around at real documented (not some blog) cases of p2o machines, they are huge ( city blocks) sized machines costing millions, not little machines for $200K. My point was not their claim to roll out 2500 machines, only that a small machine as they claim to be rolling out, is not likely to turn a profit. We are waiting for them to prove otherwise. And the lab certification only will prove that you can make plastic from oil, but we already know this. Can they make a profit from it?"
***If the catalyst has been shown to be 16X more efficient, and can crack the plastic molecule along a tight range to produce refined hydrocarbon products, why would the process not be profitable? Validation and certification have been addressed by others-- it is being done to expedite the roll-out by having the regulatory "template" in place for regional licensing agencies. Again, we will know soon enough, so Wess' question about why you are attacking now remains relevant.
#3 "why would anyone in their right mind, especially someone with a suppossed iq of 170, turn down an offer from one entity to give them the $6.5 million for the shares offered?"
***Because to do so would have meant giving up some control (voting rights) over the company, as well as the likely influx of "promoters" tied to those funds, and JB did not want any of that garbage influencing his company. This is another aspect of his character and integrity, which I have asked you to speak to, but which you have ignored.
#4 "The only thing this stock is riding on is peoples beliefs that the secret catalyst is what seperates them from the rest. That is it, nothing more...It is admitted on this an many other boards that everyone is banking on p2o making billions, which is why you people are investors."
***Correct, the catalyst is what will make the P2O process profitable, which no one else has been able to do before. If we "knew" for certain today that the process was as profitable as claimed, do you think the PPS would be at $5? No, it would be much higher. Therefore, there is risk involved, but also quite possibly great reward.
#5 "Technology is very old and too expensive to be worth investing in. Envions machine, according to the county dump it is at, rarely ever runs and is being removed shortly. To my knowledge Envion hasnt turned a profit. P2o is very old check it out."
***Correct again! Many here have checked it out... and the technology is indeed old, but we are not investing in that old technology. Instead, we have concluded that JB has discovered a way to make the process profitable. We believe JB is telling the truth based on his past history, his character and integrity, his ability to solve problems that no one else can (NASA tapes), his pattern of successful execution thus far, his distrust of promoters, his wanting shareholders on the BOD, his not accepting a high salary until the success of the company comes to fruition (value based management), and his ability to follow through on each and every promise made. In sum: the man has done whatever he has said he would do thus far. With that kind of track record, why would someone believe that he is a scammer?
#6 "The stock rose on very little volume. This is a penny stock
and that is how they work. Very little volume will move it either way very fast."
*** A look at the chart from December, 2009 until now shows strong increases on high volume (150K to 200K share volume) and sideways to down price on much lower volume (30K to 60K volume). Those who understand technical analysis know that such a pattern is bullish.
#7 "So if you get a bunch of believers who aren't gonna sell, the stock rises quickly with no counter balance shorting. The question is who will have a chair when the music stops?"
***You assume the music will stop rather than turn into a beautiful symphony that harmonizes a cleaner environment and highly profitable set of businesses, along with new innovations and solutions to problems yet to be discovered by John Bordynuik. A better question is: could this be the investment of a lifetime?
Ladies and gentlemen-- place your bets...
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