John Bordynuik
The last choice for the BOD was a choice of the BOD and myself. I stand behind it. I do not want recyclers on the BOD as we must protect our IP and not educate them. I want their plastic which is not difficult to get. We will have an advisory board for those that can assist us.
The stock is not going down because of the BOD appointment. Have you had a chance to look at the market? If you are tired of waiting then this is not the investment for you. We are not a pump and dump and we are doing things within the timelines of real companies. Actually, quite faster. The standard time for a DEC permit is 6 months to a year or more. We have a lot of momentum and support and that shows in the execution of our business plan.
I can't tell you when events are scheduled - that is material information. I can tell you that the DEC allows us to operate the processor prior to the stack test to expedite the production permit process greatly, based on the data and research by IsleChem, and based on existing permits. For the stack test, we are required to run the processor at maximum feed rate in an operating stabilized state.
Hey John, at this point, is the blending facility functional to the degree that the storage tanks are useable?
The storage tanks are usable except for Tank #2 (out of 13 of them). The acquisition did close (as per the Feb PR), we have possession, and our staff has been working there preparing it for fuel.
If the permit took a few more months, would you still be able to produce and store fuel at the blending site?
John Bordynuik
Yes it can, but a FEW MORE MONTHS???!?!?!?? It will not take a few more months. We have a lot of support and the data is good.
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