Why is it that almost everything talked about on this board becomes a negative to some?
Several examples come to mind:
You said: P2O would never work - eventually you conceded it works and that it's old technology why wouldn't it work, it's been around for years but it's not efficient;
You said: P2O was not scalable - that's been done so you have now conceded that it is;
You said: P2O was not feasible to build - you've conceded that JBI's design is far less costly to build than competitors (does not cost millions of dollars like Environ and others nor will it need to be subsidized);
You said: P2O has too much competition to be a successful - you have now conceded that JBII's processor is the most cost efficient processor on the market compared to competitors or at least you have found no one that can do it more efficiently;
You said: P2O would cost more than $10.00 a barrel to produce - eventually you conceded that JBII could produce for that price or at least you could not, and cannot, provide any evidence to the contrary;
You said: P2O would produce only slurry - eventually you conceded it could product a high quality fuel per Islechem testing;
You said: P2O would never have enough feedstock - that was conceded when the numbers were provided about the amount of plastic that goes to landfills each year;
You said that JBII should never have employed Gately but when JBII was able to afford to switch to a top 50 fifty auditor you said that too was a red flag for a reason yet to be provided.
I have one question that will go to whether you are considering all information about JBII:
What are the positives you see in this company?
This company has so much potential and will do so much for the world if they can eliminate plastic and tires in dumps (just think of the fish and wildlife alone). To see naysayers continuously put down a company's efforts to become a world leader in an extremely worthwhile project is very discouraging. I sometimes wish he'd obtained funding from the government instead of going public - at least that way the project would proceed and be successful without the interference, negativity and uphill battle caused by going public.
I too have no problem with those bringing up honest, tough questions about this or that - it makes for more information being researched and in all cases with JBII more credibility to an already flawless reputation. Everyone is allowed to make a few mistakes in life - no one is perfect. 20/20 hindsight is something we all wish we had.
I certainly hope that JBII pursues those making libelous comments and knowing John I think he will. It will be pretty easy to prove a case once those hiding behind aliases are identified – simply cut and paste from the various message boards. Also once identified their motives will also be known. I expect we don't even know the 1/2 of what the naysayer/shorters/competitors/etc. have done to try and stop JBII from succeeding.
If JB is only half as successful as he hopes he should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
What this guy and this company have done in a year is incredible. What's about to unfold in the coming months is going to put this company in the news headlines for their incredible contribution to a huge environmental problem.
When will the P2O come to the recycling masses-ball park figure?