I'm not impressed with trolls that have a history of "nailing" subpenny pinksheets that everybody already knows is garbage. JBII has zero in common with those non-reporting entities that no credible companies nor government agencies like DEC would touch with a ten foot pole.
CRA, DEC, Chrysler, Islechem, and Al Sousa are all doing business with a scam who's "scam" is about to be permitted and sell the fuel they've already made? It's going to be pretty tough very soon to keep calling something a scam that people are using to drive their vehicles with. We all know some people are nitpicking and looking for the slightest little infractions about technically 8Ks that may or may not have filed and have reduced their bearish arguments to talking about what will happen if it snows and traffic slows down somewhat, LOL, but that doesn't change the fact that JBII is 100% very real and about to be making and selling the fuel they've already produced and will be producing.
This is why the DEC has never seen anybody before JBII in their multi-decade history even make it to the stack test despite others trying and failing miseably over and over. JBII is the first success story they've ever seen or even heard of.
Envion isn't a competitor. They are a miserable failure.
Well we gotta be careful -- sometimes in snows in New York and JBII wants to do business in New York and sometimes those roads get slippery and and and and then what? Maybe a trailer one day filled with free plastic takes a wrong turn because a sign is covered in snow and ends up delivering the free plastic 3 hours late then how will that change the matrix, huh?
Better make another false report to the SEC based on snow days. Do it 400 times a day. Beg. We're running out of time. It's probably under the bullshit statute. The EPA has just as much reason to be involved as the SEC.
I was thinking of filing a bunch of false, bullshit baseless reports to the EPA, the SEC, the DEC, the FBI, etc. and doing it dozens of times a day, but then I found out that tortious interference is illegal and could backfire.
Don't forget the driver of the oil trucks is going to need a state-certified driver's license.
That requires a series of tests including a written test, a roat test, a commercial driver's permit. Man this sucks. Probably going to take millions of dollars and 30 years of testing by the EPA as well.
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