Ya got me. We think part of it's a Bear Raid.....and that's what brought her down from $4, where she should be, pending the permit approval, after which who knows how high she'll go.
It boggles my mind as well why there is so much negativity being expressed against JBII.....both on the various venues of the internet (message boards, blogs, 'articles', etc), and also in the real world via attacks by complaints and phone calls, and attempted breakins of the company premises.
Really is a mystery why one of the few companies on the OTC that is Fully Filing, is on the #1 Tier Level (OTCQX), has a very tight low share structure (50M), and a CEO with an impeccable reputation (The guy deals with NASA and MIT for crissakes) is being attacked so vehemently.....makes no sense does it?
The only way it makes sense is some type of profit motive...shorts?....or personal vendettas/crusades for God knows what reason(s).....disgruntled X Employees, or just people who like to Destroy Beauty.
In JBII we have a company that is trying to solve a huge problem with Waste Plastic....and has succeeded in coming up with a method to do just that. JBII is trying to make the world a better place........and she's having to fight tooth and nail to accomplish that.......Freaking blows my mind.....One would think the world would cheer her on.....but instead a lot of rocks get placed in her road......z
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