OK. Mind if I weigh in as regards why the filing has yet to be made?
I guess.... and lets be clear that I'm open about it being a guess.... And actually, TWO guesses
(1.) I guess that he actually wants the thing to "hit" the market, as it were, at a dead run.
He rationally can be presumed to be aware that this technology will be hugely valuable to such entities as OPEC & the major oil companies, so the last thing he wants to do is send up a flare, have everyone get a couple of months to digest the impact this will have, and have enemies of the technology have time to construct attacks.... coordinated and/or uncoordinated attempts to sweep the technology away and make it disappear.
After all, the greatest enemy the technology has is the cartels that will loose their stranglehold on the worlds pocketbook and politics. They have oil as their power and this technology certainly threatens that!!!
So, given that he has obtained the state's permission to fine tune the process/mahinery under the "camo" of data collection and so forth, it follows that he will logically spend the time hiding the technology from view so it faces the least number of obstacles when it hits.
If it were me, I'd be aiming at having the thing 100% ready to be full tilt up & going the instant the state gives its bureaucratic approval. They will dilly dally, as all governmental agencies do, and there is no way to prevent it from being seen the instant the filing is made. So, logically, he should be aiming at getting everything up & ready so that they will be running full tilt the instant the ink dries on the stamp of approval.
Anyway... that's how I'd do it. The only chance a tiny company has against the forces that will want to sink it is to do it so darn quickly, once the state gives the nod, that next to zero time passes between approval and output in big quantities.
Of course, on the other hand.... who really knows if he is thinking any of these things.
(2.) One other way he could protect the value proposition the technology presents is to have secretly made substantial steps towards licensing the technology during his last trip to China.
If he has already circumvented the need to be bound up in the quick-sand of state agencies by attempting to get a huge toehold via a major licensee in China, then the impact on the opponents I mentioned above would be huge. After all, if the Chinese were to have already made a deal that has yet to be announced because its still being negotiated in the small print parts of a deal of that kind, then the OPEC players and the major oil companies who would otherwise do just about anything to damage the chances of this technology succeeding would be facing a totally different dynamic.
A deal already struck in China would stop them dead in their tracks.
They would not have the leeway they would have if they were to just have had the problem of stopping the approval process here in the US. If the cat is already out of the bag in China.... well, all I can say is that such a deal would obviously protect the technology here in the US, wouldn't it? Or so it seems to me.
So, my guess is that, if the technology is for real, and it seems to be.... then the delay in applying to New York State could be either of the above, or some mix of them.
But again... I'm just making a guess at a reason... a stab in the dark using logic as the spotlight..... We'll see.
Imperial Whazoo
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