Skeptic's Quote------
It looks like an orchestrated campaign to get people to believe this. I think there is no conract for free plastic and I have to rely on SEC filings which made it clear that the plastic was not free.
In the first part of your statement you are alleging a criminal act. Is that really what you mean to say?
Second there is nothing in the SEC filings that says plastic is not free. What the filings say is that plastic may vary in price and availability. Varying in price includes being paid to take it, paying to take it, and all prices in between. That includes zero cost, otherwise known as free.
Skeptic's quote-----
I have posted many times all the links to the thousands of companies buying every type of plastic.
So far you haven't explained why the EPA and other credible sources say that 80% of plastic goes to landfills. There is something that you are missing that account for this discrepancy yet you don't seem to be interested in discovering what it is.
Skeptic's quote----
doesn't the handling cost for regular waste make it infeasible for JBII to simply get the waste stream that regularly would go to a landfill.?
Depends on who pays for the handling costs. Also depends on the waste stream in question.
JB refers to the low hanging fruit of industrial plastic. The mfg knows exactly what types of plastic he is using. The quality of his products depends upon that knowledge. As a result JBI will get from an individual mfg a known quality and mixture of plastic types.
If you get plastic out of the waste stream before it is mixed with other waste steams you know what you are getting. Obtain it towards the terminal end of the waste stream and the plastics have been mixed with other plastics and other stuff.
Shredding plastics is not an expensive process.
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