Wednesday, April 27, 2011

CEO John Bordynuik on BNN - The Pitch

High Points. Links to show at bottom

. $587K/processor
. $2-3M RD costs
. Being innundated with requests to bolt down machines at high waste plastic feed sources
. Filing prospectus with TXS next week
. Upgraded to an accounting firm that can file both Canadian and US.
. Agreements gone through legal with a large cardboard recycler that generates a huge amount of plastic. 30 Tons/day.
. Make spec fuel. Comes out of the machine that way. Directly to commodity price.
. Sales this week.
. Filling tankers now.
. Revenues Q2.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Thank you for this wonderful site.
    I have 3 questions about JBII.
    1. To what extent is competition a threat long term? I am worried about this greatly reducing margins if some bigger entity comes in. How long would it take for another company to essentially copy JBII???
    2. What is the prospect of further share dilution, given that the CEO needs a lot of money to build many of these machines.


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