Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thoughts - From Rawnoc

JBII = first self-viable (doesn't need government help) green energy process is history.

Trilions of dollars has been pissed away on unviable green processes, and they've all failed to date. Electric cars, hybrid cars, wind power, solar power, geothermal, nuclear, ethanol, biodiesel -- all failures and are only profitable of viable with government handouts and are all failures on their own.

JBII has the only process I'm aware of that actually works -- that is, it makes energy for less than the economic cost of producing it while being a net benefit to the environment vs. traditional means. Nobody else, after trillions of dollars worldwide, has successfully developed Jack Ship.

Some say JBII isn't a threat to big oil because the most they could even hope to produce would still only be a tiny percentage of the world oil needs. I disagree. The price of oil is largely determined by speculation and emotion and fear. JBII is a threat to that very emotion that is a large component of oil prices. By potentially giving people hope and calming down fear by showing the world that it is possible to create an alternative means of fuel, cheap, that can support itself without the aid of wasted taxpayer dollars, then that gives the people hope. It gives them calm. It has the potential effect of hurting the psychological portion of oil prices bad.

The solution, IMO, for big oil is to be the first one to buy out JBII. Instead of pissing away $700 million on algae fuel which still costs $32/gallon to make, Exxon could buy JBII for say $100 per share, costing them only $5 billion, and have a great green image without wasting their money on crap because they have the power and muscle to turn this technology into a mega profit center that makes their $5 billion buyout investment a very profitable investment. Everybody wins. But I digress...

The point is simply that there's a massive value in JBII's technology. Trillions have been spent on others just trying to attempt to do what JBII has already done. That is, creat a green process -- any green process -- that isn't a wasted money pit. JBII is the opposite of a money pit. It's a cash making machine. Free garbage plastic is literally dumped into a hole, and they're done. The process is so automated it does everything for almost no cost and makes super premium fuel better than what is available at the pump (as opposed to ethanol which is crap and must be blended with real fuel).


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