Friday, January 8, 2010

Pak-It Products & P2O - "Green" is the word!

Most people are aware of the marketing advantages of "green" technologies or products. Green is a powerful word in today's "Save the environment" climate. Just do an internet search and you will see a plethora of environmental organizations, recycling companies, "climategate" debates, and media alerts espousing various environmental dangers.

All of this is good, because we all have to survive on the planet, hopefully in the healthiest of conditions. And, in my opinion, it bodes extremely well for a successful future for JBI.

John Bordynuik, in his Wall Street Reporter CEO interview , commented that P2O would be JBI's "home run". Plastic waste is an abhorrent problem for landfill, and in our oceans and waterways. Many are anxiously awaiting the emergence of JBI's P2O processors on the global landscape with optimistic enthusiasm. Others are thinking that P2O technology will not work and believe that plastic waste will instead be turned into recyclers for monetary rewards. However, in a corporate press release dated Oct. 2, 2009, JBI, in discussing its P2O technology, announced, "Samples of fuels were created from various plastic feedstocks and were tested (ASTM D 5453) and confirmed a sulphur concentration less than 8.4 ppm (parts per million). Additionally the water and sediment tests (ASTM D 1796) confirm that its fuel contained less than 0.005% water and sediment. Density tests also placed the fuel in the gasoline range.
Refineries management expressed concerns about sulphur content, which must test under 0.05% for approval. The Company's fuel tested at only 8.4 parts per million, which is far below accepted fuel."

According to JBI's research, only about 20% of plastic waste is clean enough to receive compensation from recyclers. The other 80% of dirty, mixed, contaminated plastic waste, which is substantial, would be available for P2O conversion. Read John's comment regarding P2O vs. recycling and visit for further details.

Following is an interesting speculative comment from iHub poster "Zardiw" as to P2O potential:

$4.2 Billion Dollars Revenue:

50 million tons of plastic goes into landfills every year in the US alone.

If JBII only converts 20% of that, here's the math:

10 million tons equals 60 million barrels of oil. (About 6 barrels/ton, based on 8lbs to the gallon, and 42 gallons to a barrel)

60 million barrels times $70 equals $4,200,000,000 .....that's 4.2 BILLION DOLLARS....

And that's just the plastic from the US.....I rest my case.....z

John is going to have ships retrofitted with P2O technology with the goal of contracting with various countries to convert their plastic waste into oil (fuel). Sometime in the future, JBI would like to help clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, one of Earth's biggest environmental disasters. The Company has lofty and ambitious goals for global expansion of its P2O processors, with an initial announced objective of establishing 2500 sites in the coming years.

Pak-It LLC was acquired by JBI last Fall and the company holds great promise for its patented, eco-friendly, water-soluble, cost-effective, "Earthwise Certified" line of cleaning and disinfectant packets. See Pak-It will also be producing JBI's essential P2O catalyst. Heretofore, Pak-It has only been marketing their green product line to commercial and institutional accounts at an annualized revenue rate of about $7 million. Pak-It had a "50 in 5" revenue goal prior to its acquisition by JBI, meaning the company had an objective of achieving $50 million in revenue sales in a 5-year period, John has been upgrading and automating their Philadelphia factory to substantially expand production levels and hiring seasoned sales reps. Also, he has secured and automated Pak-It machines in his Niagara headquarters in preparation of JBI's planned launch into Canada. An infomercial company will be conducting a massive consumer-awareness media campaign for retail customers, with the launch targeted for March, 2010.

Successful infomercial campaigns have been responsible for generating rapid revenue increases and Pak-It's unique green product line appears to offer excellent potential for this advertising medium.. With JBI's Pak-It initial consumer retail expansion into the U.K., Canada, the United States, and an aggressive infomercial launch, it would be reasonable to assume that Pak-It will attain its 5 year goal in a much shorter time frame. Watch for the infomercials in March!

1 comment:

  1. I am a shareholder in JBII. Would you please send me some of your PAK-IT samples. Thank you!!

    Peter Cardozo
    617 Fairfax Way
    Williamsburg, VA 23185


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