Ron Burgandy responds on iHub to a slew of recent questions on JBI's P2O technology coming from obvious doubters and nay sayers.
To nobody in particular...
Q:Why are you posting EPS per machine when there are no public reports of any large machine ever running? Even if there was a machine running, nobody would know what the EPS could be since nobodys know how long each machine can run before needing repairs, maintenance or replacement. Comments like your are why this stock is sliding and will continue to do so.
A:There have been public displays (ie video) of the scaled down lab machine working (which was used for ASTM testing), and extrapolating the data based on smaller scale tests one can calculate the potential earnings. Just because Apple hasn't sold a single iPad yet, doesn't mean they aren't going to make money off of it. For your inquiry about potential repairs and downtime, contact JBI. As for the stock slide comments on iHub have little effect on a stock slide. People selling shares is what causes a stock slide, regardless of their reasons. I could argue that Obama's call to freeze government spending for three years is the cause of the slide, and I could be correct.
Q: There are 45 coming????? based on a letter of intent. Are you kidding me? How about a real contract with real money on the line? oh there isn't one.
A: Based on PR, an ADA agreement is potentially going to be completed by Feb 15. If you're uncomfortable with an LOI, wait until at least Feb 15th to get a better feel on the 45 sites in FL before investing.
Q: There is not much that JB could tell me that I could believe. He already is blaming the stock slide on shorts, yet nobody can find shares to short. So his credibility is zero in my book and many others. Big Red flag for me.
A: JB is priviledged to stock information that many are not. Although investors sometimes ask the SEC for a list of a company's shareholders, the SEC does not maintain shareholder lists. Only the company itself has access to this information. Also, you could attempt to short shares yourself and validate that the stock can be shorted, try some brokers yourself, don't rely on anyone saying they shorted the stock. Though if you are arguing that there's nothing he could tell you that you would believe, then perhaps you believe nothing about this company. In which case it would make sense to short it to 0. Granted the positive earnings the company has from Pak-it, Javaco, and tape reading would render that attempt pretty useless.
Q: You posted the p2o diagram in the ibox so tell me where does all the material that is not plastic get collected in the machine. no where on the diagram does it deal with the waste like metal, wood, paper. Why is this such a big deal to answer. Unless this question is answer i must assume this company to be a sham. Because the p2o machine in the diagram you posted cannot work as shown.
A: You're seriously nitpicking a diagram? Since the machine has not been publicly displayed, I think this question is best if asked to JBI directly. If you need valid proof of this machine working you'd be better off waiting until the public display of the device which has been stated by others would likely be around the time of an annual shareholder meeting, but my guess is this would be sooner.
Q: there are no working machines you are just making up numbers. You can't even estimate the numbers because they don't even know if out of the laboratory environment that the machine even works.
A: Full scale, no, nobody has provided evidence, publicly anyway. Small scale, yes, there is evidence and numbers being used currently are based on the small scale and JB stating that the process indeed does scale.
Q:Wow. lets see you grab a bin of plastic, there happens to be paper, wood and everything else that got thrown in the bin. JB says they use raw unwashed plastic, that doesn't need to be sorted that means that all types of garbage will be inadvertently mixed in with the plastic. Have you ever looked into a recycle bin
and saw other garbage in there?
A: JB has stated that you could literally throw a printer into the machine and extract the oil from the plastic parts. Sure there will be residual parts/metal pieces, but that's not the best use of the machine. And yes, the machine does account for residual "stuff". You're trying to recycle plastic not wood, metal, etc. But since JB stated this, I'm sure you don't believe it to be true. So don't invest until you've seen what you want to see.
Q: Why is it assumed that the best way to ask questions about a company is on an internet message board? Why would you literally take hours of time bantering with random message boarders about a company you believe is a scam? Have you contacted JBI directly for ANY questions? If not, why? That's what investor relations is there for...
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