Monday, January 11, 2010

John Bordynuik's MIT Association

There have been questions raised expressing doubt that John was ever associated with MIT, since his MIT link was disabled. John responds to these nay sayers and doubters with the following comment:

I can answer any questions about magnetic media and my work for MIT through this email account :

The people at atomicbobs complained to MIT so much that the MIT site was being "used for profit" -- ie: investors were using it for DD that they removed it.

It was up for years.

If you wish to discuss my public company then please email me at: My MIT webpage ( ) is offline because it was being circulated by some people for profit (without my knowledge) and that is contrary to the MITnet rules. I am in the process of updating the old website (it as from 2005) and it will be back online but in a more generic way.

Thank you for your understanding.

John Bordynuik

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