Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Islechem report and Press Release

To all shareholders:
It has been brought to my attention that some have expressed concerns over the recent press release as not containing data, and not being a direct release from Islechem.

I am currently at JBII in Niagara Falls, ON, and as a member of the Board of Directors I was privileged to see the actual report, signed by Dale R Kunze, Vice President of Operations for Islechem, LLC.

I can assure you that the press release is precisely what was rereleased by Islechem. The difference between the Islechem report and the press release is that the press release included a summary explanation for the benefit of shareholders. The press release therefore was tailored only to be of greater benefit to shareholders and in no way altered any facts presented by Islechem.

Moreover, it must be remembered that Islechem was requested to present this information in a user friendly form as prior reports were lengthy, technical, contained propritary information, and would be of little value to the average investor as written.

Significant items in this report, to my mind, are:
.The output is near diesel grade (which means it has higher grades such as gasoline mixed in)
.Only 1% residue, non-toxic. (reported "apparently non-toxic" which is more of a safety clause to my mind. Consider that after 40 testings of both tabletop and 1 Ton processors they found no toxicity)
.It is energy positive. This is highly significant. Normal refinery is not energy efficient, yet this process is nearly 2 to 1 positive on energy efficiency.
.It is scalable to over 20 Ton processor size

These are direct verifications by Islechem, as signed off by the VP of operations.

John M Wesson
Board of Directors, JBI Inc.

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