If you want to compare JBII to something you need to compare it to other alternative energy companies, some of which have huge market caps, lose money hand over first, and have processes that will never make a thin dime but because they're doing something good and revolutionary in a way (though not really lol), they get huge premiums.
The 10Q gives a couple of examples. Algae biodiesel which costs $32/gallon to make. How the HELL does a company even exist to make $32/galllon fuel? I mean, WTF? How do you put a PE on that garbage?
You show me plastic or tires or pens or crayons or I don't give a crap what garbage turning into fuel at anything less than say $8 a gallon and I'll show you a stock price in JBII that would be a wet dream to get in at $5. The whole reason this stock/company is such a magnet for "cult members" and "wannabe cyber basher detectives" is because this is straight out of science fiction. The ability to take our regular TRASH and turn it into fuel?
HEEEEEEEEEEEELLO????? Sounds like a bunch of garbage.....literally. Remember the movie Back to the Future 2 with the Mr. Fusion machine attached to the time machine where he poured in garbage? Anyway.....forget plastic and tires. Think of this as GARBAGE TO FUEL. If it works? Analyzing PE ratios or degrees of profit will be a total joke. This stock will go nuts whether it's making huge money or losing huge money, the street will not care nor will it be stopped from being bought out.
Oh, and the buyout firm won't give a rat's plastic ass if the PAK-IT cleaner looks like candy or the tape-reading business has a competitor or if the chemical company making the catalyst has a high enough PE ratio (LOL). And most of us, they won't care what this board thinks.
Market cap dirt cheap vs. the potential for a story stock. For comparison in the plastic problem space there's MBLX which has a $240 million market cap or 4 times more than JBII -- only the PE on MBLX? They're losing money hand over fist.
JBII is going to explode IMO. But of course there's high risk as it's not a value stock. It's like a biotech awaiting FDA approval only in this case it's awaiting P20 confirmation. It could go either way. I have a small speculative position (for now) just like playing a one-trick pony biotech, but this has the added bonus of other revenues paying virtually all of their bills (including "research and development) while they await FDA approval.
I do find it funny, however, people attempting to use a PE ratio to value revenues that haven't even begun yet.
It's great that URS ($4 billion NYSE company), Islechem (brain child of $70 billion NYSE OXY), Al Sousa (ex VP of $1.8 billion bought out NYSE company), and the NYSDEC (state EPA basically) all seem to think this works, but have they run this by the Dump the Pump board?
Prepare for blast off.
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