Yes, Rawnoc, those samples of the plastic from continuous intake feeder have horribly bad smells, but sample of the oil produced smalls so GOOOOD! Real small of diesel fuel. My wife corrected me, she said:”It smells like gold”. I think she is right.
Btw If you ask me in the future I won’t call that >OIL<, for me that is >FUEL, DIESEL FUEL or DIESEL FUEL-GASOLINE MIX<.
I have seen smaller processor being build and yesterday on the tour 20T processor.
I recall year ago, when John talk about his dream projects, I knew he will do it, but I never dreamed that his projects will see the light so fast. Progress and accomplishment they made since that time is unbelievable.
If I didn’t know John, never been around plant and never seen China’s 10T original processor and yesterday on the tour completely different 20T processor, fully automated serviced by one operator and capable to work continuously 24/7 and produce from 20,000 kg. of mixed stinking plastic 8%gas, 15%gasoline, 75% diesel fuel and only 0.02% sludge, I am sure I would not trust all these reports and comments of 400+ person attending AGM and 200+ person visiting P2O factory posting on the DB. Although they are written truthfully, for many people sounds unbelievable.
Therefore if you plan to invest in JBII, listen to heart, study DD, listen to your friends and follow your intuition.
If I were one of many nonbelievers, that would be the biggest mistake in my life. But thanks God I do not belong to this group, I’m long and I can already see the light on the end of the tunnel.
There were not discussions at this year AGM about JBII Marine unit. John doesn’t like to talk about anything before he prove himself that it works 100% and is ready to start with full capacity. And I am waiting for this moment when my foot is going to step on the deck of “JBI SPIRIT”, the first Plastic 2 Diesel Fuel floating factory, equipped with at list six Plastic 2 fuel second generation processors and shake hand with Captain Michael Moneyham. That might happened in next six months if not for Second AGM we will have a tour on it.
I am sorry for guys that do not see how good JB and JBII is. JBII is a REAL company with a great future not only for their shareholders and employers, but for the World too.
JBII will not soar to the Moon, but will help to clean the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean and the rest of the earth. JBII might not be able to get completely rid off plastic waste, one of the greatest Environment Problem these days, but for sure JBII is able to reduce this problem and at same time help energy problem producing needed fuel.
Thanks JB and everyone involved in organization of the AGM and P2O tour. Was professionally done, informative (but never enough-shareholders always have hunger for information) field with mutual excitement. Thanks for giving us a glance of the future. My wife and I enjoyed very much every moment last weekend.
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