Let's review what John has really done...
December 2009 he got the first big P2O processor from China.
John had, as you stated, no background. No experience nothing.
6 months later this raw garbage machine has an 89% yield, 63 sensors, has been tweaked to run like a beast, is about to be the only clean cheap efficient P2O efficient machine on the planet
In 6 months? Others have been trying for decades and got nowhere. Let's face it -- he went from ideas in his head and a prototype that fit on his desk and was a joke to a 20 ton machine that has stopped the geniuses at IsleChem dead in their tracks that has them flabbergasted.
Not bad for a moron with no background and no experience and not even a chemistry degree.
How much was it his backGround, his experience vs. IsleChecms? I don't know. I don't care. Either he did one insanely amazing thing all by himself, in part with IsleChem, or he was smart enough to hire IsleChem to do it for him. BRAVO!
But the point is the bottom line is P2O appears to be so good, you could probably have Kermit the Frog running it if the claims are even a fraction as good as John, scratch him, IsleChem and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation claim.
If John is a genius that's just a bonus. If P2O works, it was "genius" of "somebody" to get it to where it's at in such a short time frame, and if John happens to be the genius that's just a bonus IMO.
"Investors are well advised to buy a business that's so good that a dummy can run it, because sooner or later a dummy will run it." ~~ Peter Lynch
By the way, I can name you a laundry list of companies lead by a CEO who has "no experience even building one successful business" -- here's a sample:
Ben & Jerry's
Eli Lily
Dow Jones
The list is endless.
I repeat -- PAKIT was needed for P2O. Would you prefer John try to start from scratch a chemical company?
I think he bought Javaco and PAKIT because they were two boring businesses that didn't need his or anybody's management. The efforts to make them grow appear to be John just giving the nod and go ahead for others to give it a try. I repeat -- John isn't trying to run them. He's all about P2O.
And there's no evidence that he "failed" at the tape business. Seems like he just pulled the resources from it. If I was a plumber who stopped advertising for plumbing services, does that mean I "failed" at plumbing? Of course not. It's a service business that requires dedicated trusted resources.
PAKIT owns Dickler Chemicals. Dickler Chemicals is an important part of P2O, and possibly THE most important part of P2O.
Filtration company is for medical waste. I don't think that deal ever closed anyway so your point is moot.
Only point you have is on Javaco. I think he did that just to put some assets in the shell and get some operations going so that he can do a private placement for P2O. Have you noticed that he hasn't bought any companies since P2O began????
I agree that we would be fine without Javaco right now though. I disagree on just about everything else you stated and think it's the result of you not being familiar with what you speak which is fine. I started out very skeptical too until I knew what I was talking about.
Dumb example. The point is you are talking about a filtration company without having a clue if it even closed and without having a clue what the price tag was. You are smarter than that -- you cannot criticize the decision to buy something profitable without knowing how much the cost is. I'm giving a reasonable example especially since it was part of John's original business plan -- to acquire businesses on the super cheap if possible given the harsh economic times. If he can buy a company that helps him with plastic medical waste TODAY during a unique insanely cheap price of a company that is self-sustaining, why the hell not?
Of course we're talking in theory since the deal you're screaming up and down about pretending to be an expert on it's viability you didn't even have a clue that it was never bought.
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