1. JBIIE loses the E soon as they are fully caught up on their filings audited by Withum, one of the top accounting firms in the country. JBIIE has been in a silent period until this is finished and should come out with guns blazing now. Conference call Wednesday.
2. JBIIE's machine is a license to print money via its waste plastic-to-fuel process which has been validated by Islechem, a spawn of a $70 billion NYSE company (NYSE: OXY).
3. JBIIE has a temporary license to run this machine. The machine is running with tons of plastic successfully pouring in with fuel pouring out.
4. JBIIE is DAYS OR WEEKS AWAY from a permanent license. With this permanent license, the money-printing machine will run 24/7 processing thousands of tons of plastic from everybody from Chrysler to Waste Management at a MASSIVE profit per barrel.
5. JBIIE will be the ONLY company in the world that's solving the plastic in landfill problem that not only uses a green technology, but it is MASSIVELY profitable (cost less than $10/barrel with a seemingly endless supply of feedstock). JBIIE will be promoted in the mainstream news. It's going to be a wild party.
6. This business model allows for easy and rapid expansion through duplication of putting machines across the country. Contract for 90+ machines already in place in Florida with Al Sousa, former executive of a multi-billion NYSE company.
While the vast majority of us are in JBII just for the fuel sale business, I think PAKIT sales may explode more short term as infomercial sales for new retail product launches tend to have an immediate short term large boost to sales in my experience. It should be launched this Q as we know the infomercial is online already. Infomercials tend to bring in millions in their first couple of months.
Think of a race....one runner is 1 mile, 2 miles, 10 miles, "light years" ahead....JBII is ahead by light years. The others are so far behind not in time but in distance in terms of achievement. Time-wise, despite what we stock players call "delays" -- John only got the 20 ton machine 6 months and change ago and worked on it from scratch. All that testing, trial and error, 65 sensors, tweaking, fixing, etc. Happened lightning fast in the real world especially for such a small team....BRAVO I say.
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