Well it looks like stack test + permit is around the corner.
Let's see if those fuel sales are difficult. We won't have to wait long at all. I can't imagine that the fuel sales are difficult. The problem with your rotten soybean biofuel company having trouble selling their biofuel to a biorefinery is because they have $5/gallon feedstock trying to make bifoel that sells for $3/gallon. Of course they can't do it profitability.
But let's indulge in the fantasy world that no refinery would be interested in high grade PETROLEUM diesel fuel in the united states and the blending site will fail to sell fuel. Let's indulge that delusion for a moment -- surely there's some place else they can sell this fuel to in the world, no? Since it requires zero refining and runs on a NORMAL diesel engine unlike biodiesel with little to negative profit margins? Surely with free feedstock and few employees to run the thing they could find somebody, somewhere to buy their fuel. That's not even a remote challenge It's green fuel. The city of Niagara would probably buy it for their vehicles lol.
I'm not an expert on petroleum refineries, but I do know that you can study rotten soybeans and biorefineres until you're blue in the face, but one would still be clueless about what a petroleum refinery would accept.
I don't blindly trust John Bordynuik -- I trust the lab reports of two major international labs that verified the fuel's quality and choose to ignore rotten soybean biofuel testimony that pretends to call itself "identical business model that's a carbon copy"
Who are these investors that claim to doubt the ability to sell fuel?
Certainly nobody at the AGM who saw the reports. Then again, those petroleum labs aren't experts in rotten soybean biofuel so what do they know?
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