Monday, February 15, 2010

"rpg101" shares his opinion on iHub

rpg101 is a senior software engineer for JBI and he offers his following thoughts on CEO John Bordynuik, investing in JBII, and JBI's outlook:

Investing is not a 100m race. It's a marathon. You all know now that processors are starting to be sold everywhere. They will start to go live in the coming months. In April you'll see, along with press and prospective buyers, the processor working. John is the most honest person I've come across in my life and I've known him for almost 2 years. Yesterday he was working and on facebook 2 hours before his wedding. Talk about hard work!!!!

For the non believers, EP share price matrix is a good reflection of where the PPS might be in the near future. If the PPS will be at 7, 8 or 9 tomorrow I don't know, but that it will be many times where it is today. I can assure you of that. The question is not IF but WHEN, and that depends on how fast processors will go live.

P2O is real, so is Pakit, so are tapes. This is not a Cinderella story. JBI is the result of the dream and hard work of a man with a vision.

Disclosure: I'm a senior software engineer for JBI

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