Sunday, February 7, 2010

Setting the record straight

Questions arose over the legitimacy of this blog site, and connection to JBII.

I wish to set the record straight.

The blog site was originally created by James Parker, a JBI shareholder, prior to any connection to JBII.

John Bordynuik later asked James to serve as IR liason. James continued the blog, as it was his creation, served a useful purpose, and was informative.

It is my understanding that the lawyers for JBII advised that there might arise legal issues, should posts be considered to be officialy endorsed by JBII. It was at that time that the disclaimer was placed at the top of the blog site. This caused certain posters on message board sites to claim the blog site as a scam, or contrived by JBII. Because of those unfounded claims, and due to the consideration that such perceptions could spread, James was asked to give up the blog site he created.

Hans was asked to take it over, which he graciously accepted. I hope this clarifies this once and for all.

My regards to all,

1 comment:

  1. The whole thing is a 'Tempest in a Teapot', and silly beyond belief. Having company transparency and information for shareholders is a GOOD thing, no matter who supplies it. Well I hope whoever was complaining is happy now....sheeesh........z


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