Latest JB thread on FB. If you think JB's bluffing at this point you're out of your mind.
LW John, I've been reading claims that the fuel that will be produced with the P2O will not be able to be sold on the streets...Just to clear this matter up, could you describe the type of fuel that the P2O will produce?
John Bordynuik The claims are nonsense. I bought the fuel blending site to produce retail and commercial fuels from our P2O fuel. Our fuel has been EXTENSIVELY tested (as stated in PRs) and we can make whatever we want: diesel, furnace oil, bunker, etc... In worst case, we sell our fuel to a refinery at WT-$3 but in my opinion I would have failed then. Remember, the site we purchased made gasoline, and blended many other fuels...
John Bordynuik BTW, so far we have produced (natively) out of the processor: fuel in gasoline range, diesel, and also heavy fuels like furnace oils and very heavy fuels. The configuration of the processor determines what hydrocarbon we produce. We don't have any aromatics (benzene free) in our fuel and no or trace sulphur. Our process has improved a lot and I have a grin ear to ear and can't wait for the AGM.
HR I like it when you grin! :) Great job you and the team are doing.
John Bordynuik I am soooo happy you have no idea. We have a dream-team and executed 100% on this. Now it's all about how fast can we execute on high volume production (revenues)... As stated in our PR's, we already stated the ASTM fuels and conversions we achieve... see you at the AGM for one heck of a party.
John Bordynuik Shareholders deserve this.. there have been too many scams on the OTC. I am really pleased with our results. Value based management certainly has a way to keep everyone working hard for one common goal.
John Bordynuik
Latest answers to help: our fuel can be sold to refineries. We looked into that last year before we knew we could get a fuel blending site. Refineries pay WTI - $3/barrel and pickup is included in that price. They usually pick up crude from stripper wells and other oil wells. They have a 100 barrel minimum pickup. Our fuel is much better than ... See Morecrude for several reasons: 1) no/no sulphur (crude out of the ground has much sulphur in it) 2) low/no water and other particulate junk. 3) higher concentration of light hydrocarbons. Crude from a stripper well is not very clean - only 81% of it generally useful. We are starting with plastic ( is already a highly refined) without sulphur and all the contamination that comes from extracting something out of the ground. A crude barrel is approx. 159 liters so that works out to $0.47 per liter if our fuel is purchased by a refinery. Diesel is selling locally for $1.00/liter so there is a real incentive for us to blend our own and sell direct.
We use 1 processor operating to be conservative. If both processors aren't running then the JV and JBII will be very unhappy. Cleanout and maintenance is minimal -- it is a continuous processor. For cleanout the reactor will reverse (which will cause anything in the reactor to leave into a separate tank) and then continue processing with no cool down.
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