Just posted on FB
John Bordynuik Incredible day at the conference. Many government officials are here (Congo, Nigeria, Angola, Egypt, Ecuador, Gabon, etc… . I will now be presenting Data Migration and P2O – not limited to 15 minutes. A reporter interviewed me today for P2O -- the focus of the story is to reduce the plastic garbage problem in Africa.
John Bordynuik . It interesting here because the hydrocarbon ministries need tape data migrated and the environment ministry reps here want a solution to their plastic disaster. There are engineering firm directors here that design equipment to process oil, water, and now environmental concerns.
John Bordynuik They advised me that they had not found a viable plastic to oil solution. I was advised that plastic is a massive problem and there has been no solution to date. Marine P2O appears to be the best way to best service them.
John Bordynuik Media and AGM (email questions): At this time, well over 100 shareholders have booked to tour the P2O plant. I do not believe we could give media the attention to adequately cover the story while we are touring the plant with groups of shareholders. I will be scheduling dates for media to attend with our chemists and PR present to ensure a complete and thorough (not rushed) interview
FB - John Bordynuik - Very bad internet connection
here (2kb/sec) so I will respond to questions when I get back. I have 30 hours of travel coming up. My presentation went really well and I spoke about tapes and P2O. Was interviewed by national tv for p2o. Big problem everywhere and we have the only solution (nice). Can't wait to get back.... It is very challenging here. Had to use my phone for this - no int/landline
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