John's email and a few notes from him...
I received in an email exchange with him via john@johnbordynuik.com:
Big P2O works. I am very happy with it. I met with islechem on Friday morning and we are in great shape. We are completing the last of the tests for national permitting data. It's residue can go into landfill (ie: TCLP levels all well below for arsenic,barium,cadmium,lead,chromium,
mercury,selenium,silver) and it does not pollute. I am surprised you hadn't come to our facility considering we are so close. I estimate probably 200-300 shareholders have toured... generally explains the strong hands. Our schedule is tight between now and the AGM. I am leaving for the Congo late next week. We have a 10k we are preparing, the end of a Q, the AGM, islechem and bg P2O and retail PakIt.. so the next 4 weeks will be very busy.
At 40,000 barrels/year per processor being conservative... the numbers are quite staggering. That is why we are "all in" with P2O.
A reasonable plastic estimate for industrial and municipal plastic waste is that 70,000 people create enough plastic to support one processor. We will not saturate at 1000 processors. Even 2500 JV's won't make much of a dent in it. Processors will process 20 tons/day (conservative). We cut this in half for our internal use. There will be two processors per site. So conservatively, with one processor running (implying one out of two) we will do 109 barrels/day/site.
It's all good.
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