Though I am no longer on the Board and do not owe anyone anything, I will state the following for the record for the longs here who care about JBI:
I accumulated my postion in JBII in the latter parts of 2009 and the first few days on 2010. On any given day these days, JBII is 70+%ish of my portfolios. Though my JBII holding remains significantly in the green, even at these current share prices, I have NEVER sold a single share. Furthermore, I have no sell orders in and I have no current plans to sell any of my shares.
Somewhere down the road, I will need to sell a few shares of JBII to pay a bill or two and rebalance my portfolios, but I have no schedule in my mind for that at this time and, as long as JBI continues to show progress, I will be holding on to every share I own as long as I can within the constraints of my personal financial needs and risk tolerances associated with being overweight in a single stock.
Though I am not serving on the BOD, I do not know how to express my support of and belief in JBI anymore clearly than that.
Because I try to be an honest guy and I consider clarity of communication important, it occurred to me that I should clarify the goal of my comments, so potential or current investors understand the purpose of my post. My comments regarding my ongoing investment were meant to convey that my feelings regarding my personal financial investment in JBI had not changed, despite my leaving the BOD. My buy and do not sell a share approach has been my JBI plan since I started to accumulate shares and I belief this is still the correct investment approach for me. While I considered this message obvious in what I posted previously, I thought I should add the additional clarification just to be safe. I would not want anyone to construe my previous post as indicating or suggesting that I have any additional, non-public information that has brought me to this buy and hold approach for JBI in recent weeks, as I really do not. My confidence in and hope for JBI success is the same now as it was before my brief stint on the Board, no more, no less.