Plastic stats...........
# Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.
# Every year, Americans make enough plastic film to shrink-wrap the state of Texas.
# Plastic bottles make up approximately 11% of the contents of landfills.
# If all of the plastic drink bottles sent to landfills annually in N.C. alone were lined up side-by-side, they would extend more than 106,250 miles.
# 1-PET plastic recycling rates are down. While the total number of plastic bottles recycled in the US has steadily increased over time, the recycling rate of the most widely sold and collected type, #1-PET, has dropped in the last decade, according to the American Chemistry Council.
# Plastic waste is increasing. The amount of plastic in municipal solid waste has increased from less than 1 percent of the total in 1960 to about 12 percent in 2006, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
# Americans buy an estimated 29.8 billion plastic water bottles every year. Nearly eight out of every 10 bottles will end up in a landfill.
# 1500 is the number of plastic water bottles consumed in 1 second in the US!
# Plastic bags are the cause of major environmental concerns. Statistics show that we are consuming more and more plastics every year. It is estimated that an average individual uses around 130 plastic bags per year. Most of them go straight to our landfill and a very small percentage of plastic bags are actually recycled.
# Almost every hour, nearly 250,000 plastic bottles are dumped. It is not surprising that plastic bottles constitute close to 50% of recyclable waste in the dumps.
# The average time taken by plastic bottles to decompose in a landfill is close to 700 years.
# Plastic not only adds to landfill space and takes forever to decompose. Used plastic dumped into the sea kills and destroys sea life at an estimated 1,000,000 sea creatures per year!
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