Thursday, February 3, 2011

Response to a Skeptic

Response to a Skeptic:

Of all the companies out there in OTC land, JBII is one of the very few that has done things right. Here's a dozen of them:

1. They've NEVER diluted. In fact at time of RM, the OS was 63M and now it's 51M.

2. They are fully reporting/filing. In fact are at the highest tier level (OTCQX) that has.

3. The term pink is a misnomer nowadays. Before, OTCBB was the only thing that had a modicum of prestige. This has changed. has come a long way from Pinksheets baby. Even the SEC has stated that JBII is NOT 'pinksheets'.

4. As long as a company is being fully transparent (TA is ungagged btw), it's largely irrelevant what exchange it trades at. There are plenty of true POS on those 'reputable' exchanges.

5. The company has proved with any number of demonstrations/verifications/endorsements/eye witness reports/independent validations, etc., that their Plastic2Oil solution works. They even bought a 250,000 Gallon Fuel Blending Facility and hired a 30yr experienced refinery man recently.

6. The NY DEC has even made an allowance in their rules in that JBII is the first company in history to have received approval for Commercial Production pending full permitting.

7. 2 NY Senators have endorsed P2O

8. The output has been demonstrated by an IHub investor (Lawnmower running off straight P2O Gasoline Output).

9. The CEO John Bordynuik is a dream CEO. Reputable and Honest to the core. He deals with the likes of NASA, etc. And has done a tremendous amount of work to bring P2O live and make the company a success for her shareholders.

10. On speculation alone, the stock price reached $7 last year. The farthest the bear raiders have been able to drive her is down to .52.

11. Currently stock price is at .80 something, and is in an uptrend.

12. We believe the company is on the verge of announcing fuel sales/JV deal with a large waste plastic supplier.

Bottom line is the flags are all green with JBII, and investors can expect some Serious stock appreciation.

A lot more DD, and info is available on the board: IHub Board


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