Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ardent shareholder posts his opinion

Here's a Jan 2, 2010 message from an ardent shareholder, "Estimated Prophet" posted on JBII message board.

New Years Eve Party
JBII research. It appears that many people are still finding ways to get more money into JBI than I could have imagined. People are really, really jacked up. The lives this stock has touched is a very cool subplot to all this. I spoke with a good mix of different stock market participants this weekend. Casual investors, people who never invest at all, investment advisors, fund managers
, experienced personal traders, etc. The feeling is unanimous that this is the greatest investment opportunity they have ever seen and felt. I was very surprised to hear of how much money would love to buy up a nice retrace into the $5's.

Maybe my fear of a strong retrace into the new tax season is unsubstantiated. My main reason for posting it was to warn of the psychological attack that will come during those times. I would just hate to see it pry shares away from good people. If I'm/we are wrong about JBI, then of course I/we are dangerous with this line of reasoning, but I personally believe, outside of the risk that any enterprise faces, that JBI is "the one".

The baton is currently being passed from retail to big money on JBI. Small retail passed the story on for the past 6 months, but now the big boys are telling everyone in their web of influence. They are going to jockey for position against each other over the next month or so. Clamoring for their stake of the pie. Not just investors, but JV owners as well. Then, JBI goes to the mass public. Infomercials of Pak-It, Garbage Patch publicity, analyst recommendations and price targets, CNBC appearances and magazine articles of John, etc.

What a ride this is going to be!

When you wish upon a star? Even I think this is ridiculously corny, but this story did go down this way. It will be incredible if it comes to be, but I have no idea if it will.

To know the truth, one must get rid of knowledge, as nothing is more powerful and creative than emptiness.

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