Monday, January 18, 2010

CEO Bordynuik posts on Facebook

John Bordynuik is extremely busy executing JBI's business model. In an effort to remain transparent and keep interested investors (or potential investors) informed, he has elected to use Facebook as an effective communication medium in which he might disclose or share "non-material" thoughts or information about JBI. All "material" corporate events or news will obviously be disseminated in press releases.

Prospective investors and shareholders are encouraged to sign up on Facebook and become one of John's "friends".

Thanks to iHub member "rowgr" who posted some of JB's recent and previous posts as to why he uses Facebook as an effective way to communicate:

John Bordynuik
It's also a great way to disseminate non-material information DIRECTLY from the source without edits and give shareholders direct access to day-to-day business and events. An investor (Anton) came to my office and in his discussion he asked about Facebook. I advised him that the time spent I spent with him I could not multi-task other things and his time exceeded 20-30 updates on Facebook.

John Bordynuik
John Bordynuik Facebook is definitely an effective use of my time - one call from an investor exceeds the time to post 40-50 updates. I do receive 75-100 requests per day on Facebook (groups, friends, etc) and my oldest son Daniel handled the requests during his co-op, now it is staff.

John Bordynuik
John Bordynuik Answer questions about my use of Facebook: Facebook is a great way for shareholders to communicate with me. I can address a time-consuming issue (vs. emails) in seconds. I am lucky if I spend 20-30 minutes/day on Facebook. I do stay connected to it as some people communicate with me over Facebook chat/mail instead of Skype. I am so busy I have absolutely no time to play the apps on it or surf it - my kids do though.

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