Friday, November 26, 2010

Steady_T responds to skeptics' negative comments & provides P2O production calculations

Why do you keep posting items that are not related to JBII, but are related to somebody else's process.

In the second line of that post the process description says that the process use very high temperatures. We already know from previous statements by the company that the JBII process uses a much lower temperature than other pyrolysis processes.

Therefore that post is unrelated to JBII's process and this board.

You keep posting this unrelated stuff on the JBII board.

Taylor is burning garbage.

JBII is running an enclosed P2O processor. There is NO COMBUSTION of plastic. Plastic is decomposed in an anaerobic environment into it's original hydrocarbons.

You also may want to look up the COMBUST. More useless information that doesn't apply to JBI.

Skeptic's Quote: To obtain a BUD, the petitioner must show consistency with solid waste regulations. BUDs to combust materials such as paper, plastic, etc., are not usually granted since these materials are readily recyclable (see Appendix A for a more complete discussion of the BUD process).

Taylor's problems are unrelated to JBI's situation. I did some calculations some time back about how much space 20 tons of plastic would take. Turned out not to be that much.

I think that most people would crush the air out of the bottles before shipping them but that is an individual decision.

Many plastic bottles are made of PET plastic which is the type that is most likely to be recycled. As PP points out it is not likely to be in the input stream to JBII because of the value as a recycled plastic. Of course JB has said that he doesn't want or expect much PET plastic in the input stream.

Here are the calculations I posted for the benefit of another poster, you may have missed them.

Plastic has a density of .35 to .45 lbs/cu in.

20 tons = 40000 lbs

40000 / .4 lbs/cu in =10000 cu in.

1 cu ft = 1728 cu in

100000 /1728 = 57 cu ft.

Lets assume the plastic is bundled loosely and double that 57 cu ft to 114 cu ft.

That is a cube 4.9 ft on a side. One truck load a day should do it.

One truck a day in and per your calculation $7560/day of fuel out. Sounds like a money making deal to me.

$7560 / day time 5 days a week and 50 weeks /yr = $1,890,000 / YR

You may ROFLMAO at that kind of money, but I take that kinda of revenues seriously.

There's none so blind as he who will not see.

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